2 𝕳𝖔𝖑𝖑𝖆𝖓𝖉.

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"Charles." A voice shakes him awake, he rubs his hands over his eyes to rub away the sleep.

He slowly blinks, shivering in the cold as he was never made for it. He yawns, looking around him as he sees this hut like capital. He sees all these wooden homes, some smaller than others. He can't believe how all these people could live such small homes.

The houses in his own country, are high and cramped together with at least three floors. They are made out of stone or some type of clay with wooden beams supporting the structure.

But these homes look so dark and small. How can they fit an entire family in there. Charles watches how Pierre and Daniel navigate the boat to the docks, throwing the ropes at a man standing there on the dock.

Before Charles can even wrap his mind around the fact that he and his brothers have arrived at the country of the most feared people in the world. He shivers at the thought of what would happen to them.

A hand wraps around the upper arm of Charles, he gets harshly pulled onto his feet and dragged of the ship.

The furs fall from his body, making him shiver at the freezing cold. He can see that there is some type of remaining snow scattered around the houses at the front line at the coast.

"Anoek! Waar is je vader?" Daniel yells at a blonde girl.

This blonde girl turns to the group of vikings that are loading everything off the ship. The blonde girl smiles at Daniel, Charles can see a pair of blue eyes glistening at the tanned man with dark long hair.

"Zoals altijd. De vergader hall met mijn broertje." (Like always. The gather hall with my little brother.) this Anoek girl tells Daniel.

"Dankje, prinses." (Thanks, princess) Daniel tells the girl before giving her a kiss.

She nods at the man and walks to the men unloading the boat. Charles can hear her shouting something at them but he can't understand her. He looks confused at what is going on around him.

Charles jumps out of the way in fear, a huge white wolf runs passed him. He follows the wolf and watches how it sits next to this blonde girl like a dog. It's tongue sticking out and looking up at the girl.

Charles had never seen a wolf in his life. He had always disliked the dangerous creatures as he had nightmares where they would eat him.

Daniel rounds a corner with Charles, his eyes widen in horror. Everywhere he looks he sees wolves walking like loyal dogs next to people. He gets the idea that these people have trained the wolves like their own personal companions.

He feels tears gather in his eyes as this has to be the worst nightmare. These wolves jump and play with other wolves but also children and that sort of stuff.

"Does everyone have wolves?" Charles asks, his voice cracks and shakes while he speaks.

Daniel turns to charles, looking down at the frightened boy.

"Yes." It's all Daniel says.

A lump forms in Charles' throat. He tries to blink the tears away, watching on how no one seems to be bothered by the fact that they have carnivores living with them.

Daniel takes the three of them with two other men, the three boys to this big wooden structure that looks like a big hall. Which Charles can only think of is a gathering room or something like a feasting hall.

An animal skin hangs from the inside of the hall, covering the entrance. Two men are standing on either side of the entrance to the hall.

Charles swallows a lump as he knows that he could be ended like this. He is scared of what is going to happen to him or his brothers. He doesn't want to die, he is only twenty years old.

𝕷𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖕𝖕𝖊𝖓: 𝕬𝖒𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝕽𝖔𝖞𝖆𝖑. Where stories live. Discover now