18. 𝕴𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖓𝖉𝖊𝖉.

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By the time that the food is ready at this feats, Charles had already consumed enough Monegasque wine to call himself tipsy, maybe even drunk with a wine glass in his right hand which he presses against his stomach

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By the time that the food is ready at this feats, Charles had already consumed enough Monegasque wine to call himself tipsy, maybe even drunk with a wine glass in his right hand which he presses against his stomach.

Max had been sitting in the big chair close to the fire pit that was lit up underneath the clear night sky filled with stars. His father by his side while Daniel and him were catching Max up on everything that the viking had missed in the months that he had been gone.

The viking chief had been shocked to learn that he had a nephew with the middle name being his, he felt sad that he missed his younger sister's wedding and that he hadn't been there for both of them. Yet he was glad that they were happy and that he had another cousin coming his way.

Charles had looked at Max a couple of times, the once void look always permanent on his face had recently been replaced with a more soft and happy look on the viking. Whenever he looked at the viking he would smile back or stick his tongue out at the Monegasque prince.

It had been the best two weeks of his life, not that they did anything special in those two weeks apart from spending it together. They didn't share anymore kisses between them, not that they felt the need to suck each other's faces all the time.

Unlike Charles his little brother, Arthur had found himself a pretty boy to smooch his face with. Charles learned it was a boy named Ollie Bearman. A young boy that he had been really crazy about since the whales boy had arrived last week.

Charles had been really happy for his little brother who had been really crazy about that boy. He had met Ollie, the boy had been very sweet and nice to him. Which had Charles immediately approve of the boy and within the day, Arthur and Ollie were intendeds.

Which made Charles jealous since he and Max had kissed two weeks ago but whenever he brought up the topic. Max would shut it down and leave the room. Which had Charles really confused and not understand what it's suppose to mean.

The night goes on and Charles had so much wine that his mind didn't think to eat anything. Charles had bumped into Pierre who had been talking to this boy named Yuki. Which he didn't hasn't been really friends with but just enough to make Pierre happy.

The Monegasque has no idea what he is doing anymore, the world around him is swaying. His stomach turns and he feels so nauseous. His feet drag over the dirt road that, the feeling of giddiness is taking over his senses. It doesn't matter how many breathes he tries to take, the feeling of sickness isn't leaving him.

His foot gets stuck behind something, setting his balance off. He falls forwards, trying to brace for the impact of the ground. His eyes screwed shut but nothing comes. He waits and he waits but yet still nothing happens, he doesn't his the ground.

Strong arms are wrapped around his waist before he gets pulled up. His green eyes meet those ocean blue eyes of his viking. His breath catches in his throat, he can't help but feel his heart race in his chest, the thumping of his heart rhythm in his ears. He wants to kiss those pink yet at the same time red lips of the viking holding him up.

𝕷𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖕𝖕𝖊𝖓: 𝕬𝖒𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝕽𝖔𝖞𝖆𝖑. Where stories live. Discover now