3 𝕮𝖔𝖘𝖞 𝖋𝖎𝖗𝖊.

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Max stops the four of them in front of the fur stand, he tells the three of them to pick out three furs each in the colour or animal fur they like

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Max stops the four of them in front of the fur stand, he tells the three of them to pick out three furs each in the colour or animal fur they like. There are at least a dozen different types of furs and all in different colours.

Charles runs his hand over this big black fur, he still can't stand on his own feet. So he drags Max along with him.

"What kind of animal is this?" Charles asks.

"A black bear." Max tells him.

Max takes his fur from Charles before he grabs the black fur, Charles uses his hands to hang onto Max. Wrapping the fur around Charles' shoulders, clipping the fur tightly.

"Black suits you." Max tells the Monaque boy.

He swaps the black fur for a white one. Max can't help but smile at Charles, the white suits him even more and makes him look like a gorgeous little angel but not that he is going to tell him that. That is for Max's thoughts only.

Charles picks out as last a brown fur. Arthur and Lorenzo have picked out somewhat the same as that. Max pays for the furs and takes the three boys to another stand. They don't really chat much about things as the three princes don't want to talk much, they're tired but they need this stuff to keep themselves warm.

The next stand are woollen shirts, Charles hangs onto Max a lot. He is super tired from everything that has happened.

Charles picks out some white cream woollen shirts. Charles is very picky at his clothing, holding up the different colours. In the end he has a couple of white cream shirts and a red one.

Charles is a little bit quicker with the pants, buying nothing more then just some black pants. Max chuckles as Arthur tries to mimic Charles with his inability to choose a pair of pants. Even though all of them are the same colour and fabric.

Max drags them to a stand with shoes and socks. Buying them all a pair of boots stuffed with fur. Charles gushes about how nice these shoes are and immediately puts them on, taking off his night slippers.

Max promises them to buy them some other stuff when it is getting colder but for now they have the basics. After they get the essentials, they make their way though the village.

Dakota runs in front of them like the happy puppy it is. Barking and jumping, Charles still flinches when the wolf gets too close but he can deal with this oversized dog.

The further they walk through the village, the more secluded they get. The amount of house decreases as they walk on, more trees slope over the hill upwards. Pine trees cover the entire landscape, everywhere they look.

Charles looks back, they're leaving the village behind while they walk up the mountain towards what Charles can only think has to be another part of the village.

"You live up here?" Arthur asks.

"With my family, yeah." Max replies.

There are three little houses and a bigger one in the middle. Max points to each house and explains who lives where. His parents live in the smallest house on the right side of the path, the closest to the village.

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