15. 𝕱𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖊𝖓 𝖐𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖉𝖔𝖒.

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Charles had tried to believe Sophie about Max still being alive

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Charles had tried to believe Sophie about Max still being alive. But with five months having passed, it was getting more likely that Max had really died in that burned down boat.

It had completely destroyed Charles, the once happy man that even after the attack on his kingdom could put a smile on his face, was now nothing more then a mere shell of an empty man that lost another person he loves. Another person he cared for, died.

This time may not have been because of Max protecting Charles in a battle like Jules or Anthoine, this time it was his fault because he didn't stop the viking when he watched him leave out of that door. Charles knows that he could have been the one keeping Max alive. If only he had stoped the viking.

After a month of grieving over the loss of the blonde viking, Charles had taken Jos up to become the next in line of ruling over Holland. He knows that someone needs to take over this country because Jos won't be doing it forever.

Charles learned from his mother a month ago that the entire kingdom is destroyed and can't be build back up. That entire forests and nature had burned down to the ground. Everything had been destroyed according to his mother.

So his parents and the people that survived the war in his own country are coming this way to lay low for a while and see in a couple of years if they cab rebuild it. But for now all they can do is try to recover and heal from this war.

It would take a couple of days before his people and parents arrive at the shore but he would really love to get a hug from his mother. She would know how to comfort him and promise him how everything would be alright. He wants everything to be alright.

After the funeral for Max, the village had been done with a couple of new houses. Charles and his brothers had gotten the opportunity to move into a new home. A home of their own within Holland. But Charles refused, he didn't have the heart to sleep and life in a different home.

He couldn't find the need to let Max's house go empty. It felt wrong to Charles to move out, like it had become both Max's and his home since he had come to live in this country. Charles had went in the mean time since the funeral back to Haarlem.

He bought this big woollen wall blanket. It was big and orange, and since he could stitch some things. And maybe bordure. He had taken it upon himself to make something to remind himself of Max. He had bordure a black wolf in the fabric before he made a lion in there. Something about Max had always reminded him of that big and dangerous creature.

He remembers when he had shown Max the creature before the viking had said that that was his favourite animal and somewhat the symbol of this country. Where it had come from he never told Charles.

The worst part of this all, everyone was grieving but still going on with life. Victoria had gotten married to her lover Tom and were now going on a honeymoon to Montseille. They had a beautiful white wedding and shared sentimental words and wished that her brother had been there to wed them as that was something that they had planned.

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