17. 𝕭𝖆𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖌.

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Charles stands in the kitchen, yawning softly

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Charles stands in the kitchen, yawning softly. He hasn't slept that well in months, he stretches out his limbs before he lets Ange go out into the woods to do her business and let her be wild for a while.

He cleans up the dirt from the floor and picks up Percival from the floor to let the puppy do his business too.

Charles hasn't woken up Max yet, he feels that the viking still needs to catch up on a lot of sleep. Even when Charles woke up, the viking didn't stir at the movements. He just continued with sleeping like a hibernating bear at winter. He didn't mind, it gave him some time to get breakfast and a bath up to temperature for them.

Yes, he was gonna throw his societies morals out of the window. He is gonna go take a bath naked with Max being there. Not that he is gonna do anything that he shouldn't before he is married. But the viking needs a bath and can't possibly do it all on his own.

"Good morning." Charles looks up to see Victoria coming his way.

"Hey Vicky." Charles greets the girl back.

Ange nudges Charles at his leg before Charles puts Percival in the snow to let him do his business. The pup whines a bit before staggering to the tree that is not too far from them. Charles can't help but think that this pup has got to be a month old or less.

Once Percival is done, Charles picks the pup back up and looks at Victoria who stands next to him. She places her hand on his shoulder, she gives him a soft smile.

"How is he doing?" Vicky asks Charles.

"Hibernating like a bear. He didn't even stir when I got out of bed." Charles tells the young viking girl.

Charles had woken up many times in the night, his trauma of Max leaving to do something stupid again taking over his body. But he could easily fall back asleep when he felt the arms and the pressure of the viking on him. And when he woke up this morning, Max hadn't moved one bit all night.

"Oh that's go-..." Vicky says but soon gets interrupted.

"Charles?" The two hear from Max's house.

Charles turns to the door, Max stands in the door opening. Still rubbing his eyes sleepily, a yawn leaving his lips before he looks with a smile straight at them. Charles can feel his heart race in his chest with how Max is looking at him.

"I'm gonna go and give that stinking viking a bath." Charles says jokingly to Vicky.

"Yeah, bathe that baby." She chuckles for she bids him goodbye.

Charles walks back to the house where Max is sleepily leaning against the doorframe and yawning again. Charles can't help but smile at the tired viking, he gently pushes Max inside before closing the door behind him.

"I'm gonna make some breakfast, okay?" Charles says which he only gets a nod to from the viking.

He puts the puppy on the floor, who jumps happily over to Max. Max picks up the puppy, he takes a seat at the table while Charles makes some breakfast for them. The prince knows that his viking needs to eat a big pile of food.

𝕷𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖕𝖕𝖊𝖓: 𝕬𝖒𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝕽𝖔𝖞𝖆𝖑. Where stories live. Discover now