19. 𝕾𝖎𝖑𝖊𝖓𝖈𝖊.

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If Charles had hated anyone ever in his life before, he would have known what it felt

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If Charles had hated anyone ever in his life before, he would have known what it felt. Had he ever realised what hate really felt like this? A feeling of hurt taking over him every time he saw Max going around the village like nothing had happened.

He had told his mother what had happened between him and Max. She listened and gave him a shoulder to cry on. But promised her son not to tell anyone what had happened.

If Max had really cared about Charles, then he wouldn't have done what he did.it had broken. He had never felt this kind of pain ever in his life. How could he have been this naïve. He feels stupid for thinking that he could change a viking, a viking of all things can't be changed. They will always be the wild and sleep around with everyone.

The Monegasque had been reading up in the forest, taking this bit of free time he got from his parents as a break from studying to read the books that he had bought in Haarlem.

But whenever he would go into town, he would see the said viking he has been hating on for weeks now walking around. The Hollandian would never look in the direction of the Monegasque prince. Like the glare of him would be intense enough for the viking not to be able to look at him.

"Vous ne trouvez pas que c'est un peu dur?" Pierre says plainly with a frown on his face. (Don't you think it's a bit harsh?)

"Non, il n'utilisait que moi! Comme tout autre viking le fait." Charles says annoyed, rolling his eyes. (no, he was only using me! like any other viking does.)

Charles gets annoyed whenever Pierre asks him if he is being a bit too harsh on the viking. But he hasn't seen Max the way Pierre has seen the viking chief who would work until he passed out in the chief's chair.

"à quand remonte la dernière fois que vous étiez dans la même pièce que Max?" Pierre asks the Monegasque. (when was the last time you were in the same room as Max?)

"pas pendant six semaines. Pourquoi?" Charles asks annoyed. (not for six weeks. why?)

All his conversations with his friends are about Max. When he talks to Lando, Carlos, Alex, Pierre, George and Daniel. All they ever want to talk about is Max, Max and Max. Nothing else seems to matter to them like they are still trying to set him up with them.

It is driving him so insane that he rather just sail back to Monaco them have his friends make him talk to Max again. The viking has hurt him so badly that he hates the man with every fibre in his body now. If he has the chance, he will slap the stupid fucker across the face.

"ce n'est pas juste pour lui.  avez-vous déjà écouté son explication?  ou avez-vous juste supposé le pire quand il n'a rien dit?" Pierre says angrily to his friend. (this is not fair to him. have you ever listened to his explanation? or did you just assume the worst when he didn't say anything?)

"bien..." Charles says scratching his head. "Je viens de partir et quand il a voulu parler, je suis reparti.  Je ne voulais pas être près de lui, encore moins l'écouter." Charles says with the roll of his eye. (Well... i just left and when he wanted to talk i left again. i didn't want to be near him, let alone listen to him.)

𝕷𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖕𝖕𝖊𝖓: 𝕬𝖒𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝕽𝖔𝖞𝖆𝖑. Where stories live. Discover now