27. 𝕰𝖕𝖎𝖑𝖔𝖌𝖚𝖊.

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"Mama? Can papa carry me?" The young boy asks softly

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"Mama? Can papa carry me?" The young boy asks softly.

"Honey, you know he can't." Charles tells his son before picking up the child.

Small Anthoine huffs as he never has been carried by his father in his life. After Charles and Max had realised that the paralysis could happen any time, anywhere, they didn't want to risk their kids falling.

So Max hasn't carried his kids ever in his life, he cuddles with them and allows them on his lap all the time, but if he can drop a basket with food, who were to say that it wouldn't happen to his kids when he was to carry them.

"But what happened? He doesn't carry anything ever." Jules asks her mother while holding onto her father's hand.

Max doesn't say anything as the four of them head down to the village square for some fun children activities. Their two kids quickly learned from a young age that if they wanted to hear stories about them or know some information, they would have to ask Charles about that.

Max isn't the talkative type nor does he ever feel the need to bring those feelings back up. Ever since the war between the world and Reykvik had ended, Max had gone quiet and became a very silent viking. His thoughts and emotions never to be shared with anyone but Charles.

"Max got poisoned by a toxic arrow from the enemy which left his body so damaged that he needs a walking cane and randomly paralysed which would mean that whatever he was holding will fall. We don't want you kids the get hurt when it does happen." Charles explains as the four pass a couple of people.

The kids nod their head, Max and Charles never had gotten married. That was thrown out of the window as soon as their daughter was born. They had their hands busy with the country, their baby and tending to the injured ones from the war.

Max couldn't really help with anything in the house, he could only sit and hold their baby on his lap and feed it some milk. While Charles runs the household around it, which doesn't have him complain about as he knows Max will never be able to do much anymore on the physical aspect.

"So papa is ill?" Anthoine asks confused to them.

"In some way, yes and it will never get better." Charles tells him as they get to the square.

Charles can see Lando holding his fourth child in his arms while feeding it. Carlos is sitting next to him with their other three kids on his lap while talking to Daniel next to him.

Pierre and Yuki had gotten married about two years ago since they took things easy after Pierre lost Anthoine. They got a daughter about three months back who is getting showered in lots of love for her pretty eyes and dark curly hair.

Charles his brothers had gotten married two their loved ones while Lorenzo went with their parents back to Monaco to build the country back up, with the plan to unify their country into one big one since Charles had gotten the lawful title of chief from Max.

Which meant that their countries were now one. Not that they minded, they put Lorenzo and his parents in charge of looking after that. While things in Holland had gone better then before.

Arthur on the other hand was married to Ollie bearman, a very shy and hyper guy that was very excited about everything. They had gotten a baby boy last summer while things didn't go as smoothly as most pregnancies and birth would go but they pulled through and Ollie had turned out to be fine.

Most people around the square were celebrating the 30th birthday of Max, who wasn't too keen on a birthday celebration but did come nevertheless because he seemed to like the food and the attention that Charles would give hik when he had a little too much wine.

Sophie was all to keen on looking after their kids when they wanted to be around their grandma. But most of the time they would sit on the lap of their father. Who would allow them a sip or two of the beer that Max would drink. It had never really been weird for a child to taste the drink.

Charles had never in the eight years that they had been together after Max woke up from his death journey, had he thought to marry Max. He just wanted to have some fun, which they have a lot of times.

They took their kids to the secret underground lake paradise that is the hot spring that Max had showed Charles. Swimming was the best opportunity for Max to play with his kids without getting too tired to quickly. Swimming was nice and didn't make his body to heavy for himself.

The many things that Max could do easily with his kids was teach them everything that involved intelligence and brains while showing the techniques of how to fight without sparring with them.

He would sit around the fire and read them the many stories that he could find in the local bookstore. Some moments he would spar with them in the house but he wouldn't lift them off only really tickle them on the floor.

Around three years after their daughter had been born did Charles get pregnant for the second time. With the bad physic and stamina of the viking, having more kids was quite the trouble for them.

It had been a rollercoaster for Max these years, in his eyes he was failing as a partner and lover. Max couldn't do much and Charles had to do pretty much everything in the house. He had mental breakdowns every other day. The helpless feeling always overruling the viking who felt like he wasn't giving Charles everything he wanted.

But Charles never cared, he just loved Max the same way as before. He felt needed and important that Max needs him so badly all the time. The fact that Max went out of his way to keep trying to do small things for him to make things easier for the prince.

It had been a few times that Max had tried to much, he would collapse onto the floor or table whenever he overdid things. Which would have Charles scold his viking first before hugging him and give him a kiss and thank him for trying. For thinking about him.

As the night progresses with Max drinking a beer or four otherwise he won't be able to get back home with his kids and Charles as his drunk as had literally no strength to do anything.

"Max?" Charles asks to gain the attention of the viking.

Max hums and turns his attention to the prince sitting in the chair next to him. He looks at his lover who holds a mug of milk instead of the usual wine. He had only done that whenever...oh boy.

"I'm pregnant." Charles whispers over the dancing and chanting people around the campfire, their kids sleeping on their laps.

"You are?" Max asks with excitement.

Charles nods his head with a smile on his face, Max grabs the hand of Charles and brings it up to his lips to give the Monegasque a kiss. It's not much but he can't kiss his lover with their kids on their laps, restraining them from getting closer to one another.

"I'm happy." Max says a little tired but smiles nevertheless.

He loves his little family, despite it growing yet again with an additional baby coming it's way. Which makes Max giddy and excited for the baby to meet their siblings. And be in his arms.

The end.

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