14. 𝕻𝖗𝖎𝖘𝖔𝖓 𝖇𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖐.

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(A/n) graphic and upsetting content ahead. Torture and rape coming up ahead.

Everything had been going according to his plan, no one had expected what the man had concocted in his mind

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Everything had been going according to his plan, no one had expected what the man had concocted in his mind. He may have endured an injury to his side but that is irrelevant at the moment. It doesn't matter to him at the moment, all he was gonna do was show the king what he could do. That he messed with the wrong man.

Many prisoners are moaning or nagging about being stuck. A couple of screams can be heard down the hallway as the Reykvikian men are raping poor unfortunate prisoners, while most aren't even in here for a crime they committed.

They just got very unlucky and most had been taken in the same way as Max had been killed. These people are sick in their minds, finding pleasure in other's pain. Which is something that the man had never understood why they gave them pleasure while someone is getting brutally tortured or raped.

Keys jiggle in the lock, it twists and turns before the metal prison door opens with a squeaky noise. He has been here for only a couple of days and he is sure that he won't get out of here any time soon since he is injured and too weak to fight anyone.

"Well, well, well. Come with us, pretty boy." A guard snickers before they pull up the tied up man.

He doesn't fight it, it's no use. He will need his strength later, he needs it to heal because if he fights it. He will have to start the healing process all over again. He doesn't care where they drag him off to, it doesn't matter anyway.

He knows where he is going, they have done it for days now. They'll beat him, kick him, whip him and rape him. Just like when he was ten. He just gives himself over and doesn't fight against the pain. He doesn't need to fight. He will do it later.

He gets roughly shoved into the room before his hands get untied only for them to he tied to the table in the middle of the room. He knows what they'll do, he can only hope that his family know that he will be okay when he gets back. He just needs to endure this torture for now.

His leather pants get pushed off and dropped by his ankles, a hand on his back as he feels his underwear follow his pants by his ankles.

"Разве мы не должны подготовить его?" A young guard says by the looks of his voice. (Shouldn't we prep him?)

"нет, он не что иное, как кусок викингов, который может трахаться очень хорошо." An older guy that had done this to him when he was ten says. (no, he's nothing but a piece of viking scum that can be fuck real good.)

It goes silent before the man cries out in pain as he feels one of the guards violate him. The slapping of flesh against each other echoes through the hall, along with the cries of pain from the man. There is nothing he can do, but that doesn't mean tears down spring into his eyes.

𝕷𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖕𝖕𝖊𝖓: 𝕬𝖒𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝕽𝖔𝖞𝖆𝖑. Where stories live. Discover now