26. 𝖂𝖆𝖑𝖐𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖈𝖆𝖓𝖊.

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"If you get your ass one more time off that chair! I swear to Odin that i will kill you myself!" Charles shouts, pointing his finger at the stubborn person

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"If you get your ass one more time off that chair! I swear to Odin that i will kill you myself!" Charles shouts, pointing his finger at the stubborn person.

His stomach had grown a lot in the last couple of months, he thinks that he would be around seven or eight months pregnant at this point but Victoria said that he is around the close stages of nine, but he thinks his stomach is too small for nine months.

The man huffs before sitting back down on his chair, Charles had given him a couple of books along the time. But he knows that the stubborn man doesn't like to sit still and look pretty.

"Fine, i will sit bored in this chair, like i have been doing for days now." The stubborn man says before shaking his head and huffing.

He knows the look on the man's face, the tired and ill look that he has been having for days now. But yet the stubbornness of him trying to do more then his body will ever allow him.

A wooden cane leaning against the chair as it's made from  a orange coloured wood with a wolf's head as handle for the man to hold on as his eyes stare at the backside of the pregnant prince who is doing the cooking.

All the books that Charles had given him, the man had read through them quicker then he could have realised that the man could. His eyes dull from the pain that he had been hurting.

"Mon cherie, you're weak at this point and you will never get stronger, let me care for you." Charles asks the man with a small smile on his face.

The man sighs again before folding his arms over the table, groaning as he lays his face in there. Charles knows that the man feels helpless and weak, the sadness of his condition restricting him from doing the things that he used to love.

"I just hate it. We're the only ones in the village with your family. I should be out there, helping them!" The man groans angrily as he lifts his head back up.

Charles puts the spoon away and heads over to the man sitting in the chair. He stands next to the man, allowing the man to hug him tightly. He understands that he is having a hard time with everyone going to war while he can't do anything but sit here in a warm house and wait for the survivors to come back.

"I know, mon cherie, i know. But you and i both know that the toxic damaged your body to the point that you can't properly walk or stand up longer then a minute, you would be a sitting duck out there. They will succeed, you planned out the attack and your father will follow it through." Charles tells the ill viking.

"Why did i survive if i am useless anyway after that stupid toxic arrow. I can't do anything at all, I'm useless!" The viking cries out in annoyance.

Charles rubs the back of his viking, he knows that Max is having a hard time coming to terms with his new role of sitting back and doing the work on a intellectual aspect instead of marching his people into war.

𝕷𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖕𝖕𝖊𝖓: 𝕬𝖒𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝕽𝖔𝖞𝖆𝖑. Where stories live. Discover now