21. 𝕭𝖔𝖓𝖉𝖎𝖓𝖌.

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Charles his mind has been plagued with the thought of getting married and start a family with Max for hours now

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Charles his mind has been plagued with the thought of getting married and start a family with Max for hours now. Ever since they left the woods earlier from his trip to the woods to learn how to survive and hunt, just in case he finds himself lost.

It hadn't left his mind once all throughout the walk back home to getting in bath with Max. The two had been taking their sweet time when it came to getting ready for that feast. Which would have start hours ago if Max had showed up on time. Well they didn't.

They had been sitting for a long while in the bath, max running his fingers gently over Charles his stomach. Which had the Monegasque wish he was pregnant, thinking that Max would lay his hand on his stomach lovingly just like now. But sadly he isn't and that had started to bother him.

He wants more and more and more of their relationship and yet Max had said he wants to take it slow and enjoy their time together as two parts of the puzzle before they add a third to their little family. Not saying that he doesn't want kids but saying that he just wants to have more time with Charles before they bring in an addition.

Which Charles clearly understands but a big part of him has been raised and taught that if there is talk of marriage and both parties want to get married, there should be no wait in that. He knows he will have to wait until he's married to have kids but that's taking in his mind so long.

He wants it all with Max, and yet the viking is making him wait for so long. He lost already six months of time that they could have spend and he doesn't want his parents suddenly coming up to him saying that they have a great candidate for marriage and that he has no choice.

It has taken over his mind so much that he didn't realise that he had consumed an entire bottle of Monegasque wine on his own, conversing with people left and right. His mind still plagued with marriage and the sudden extreme desire to have kids with Max. It was over running his senses to the point that a couple of people were dragging Charles away from the party.

But luckily before his sexual desire of sex could consent to those other horny people from all over the world, had Pierre, Carlos, Daniel, Jos and even his brother taken him out of that situation and his brother had dropped his tipsy ass on Max's lap.

Who quickly seemed to realise what Charles was going through and trapped the Monegasque prince within his arms. Still talking to people and letting the horny man on his lap wiggle and groan in frustration and need for his viking.

What surprised Charles was how Max didn't seem to get bothered or maybe he had just such a self control that he didn't want to hurt the Monegasque while he was tipsy. After a little while Charles gave up and just snuggled up to his viking, sleeping within the safety of Max's arms.

Max had to keep his cool so much throughout the time that Charles had been on his lap, all his energy went to not rile up and get his intended more excited and frustrated then he already was. They still needed to eat and Charles had too much to drink on an empty stomach.

𝕷𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖕𝖕𝖊𝖓: 𝕬𝖒𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝕽𝖔𝖞𝖆𝖑. Where stories live. Discover now