4 𝕷𝖊𝖙𝖙𝖊𝖗.

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Charles has been staying in Max's house for most of the time since he had gotten there a week prior

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Charles has been staying in Max's house for most of the time since he had gotten there a week prior. He was feeling extremely homesick. He wouldn't want to do anything at all, apart from wallowing in the viking's bed.

Not that Max cared much about what Charles did, as long as Charles stayed alive. Max had given them a sense of freedom that he never had ever in his life.

Arthur had taken this up to it's fullest extent. He would go to trainings and was allowed to roam around the village to his heart content. The forest was the only off limits they had. Not that Charles would want to go in there after Max told them about the bears.

Charles was the only of the three that didn't know what to do with the freedom. He never had an empty schedule in his life. Normally someone was on his case.

But no one bugged him about anything and if Charles came into the village it was mostly just with Max. Most people just casually said hi to him, no formal gestures or bows, nothing.

Max had explained to the three of them, that as much as he is the king, he doesn't get treated at such. He doesn't want his people to treat him like he is above them, he just only expects them to listen and follow the rules. Other then that he lets them be free.

A good example of Max not putting himself above the other was on two occasions. The second time Max was in the shopping centre with the three princess.

The viking had helped a man with the fallen cart. Charles was shocked that Max got his hands dirty on that. That he just helped a man putting the cart back on its wheels and helped him putting the shoes back in place after the man explained a young wolf had accidentally bumped into it.

The second time was yesterday, they were down at the docks. A woman had to help an injured warrior that came back from the sea, she asked Max if he could look after her two hyper active sons.

To Charles his surprise Max had agreed and picked the two kids up with ease. Putting them on either side of his board shoulders. They went up the street to the centre.

There Max had put them on their feet, he got on his knees. He told the two kids something in Hollandian, they nodded and off the three went. Leaving the three princes behind.

After walking behind the three vikings, Arthur had found them laughing in the snow a couple of feet from a clay paint covered Daniel. Who was cursing at Blonde viking before he dove on top of Max.

Smearing the younger viking in with clay paint too. The two kids were laughing loudly before Daniel had smeared the paint over the two boys too.

After a walk through the village they got back to the docks. The woman had burst out laughing as soon as she saw the vikings and her kids. The kids were jumping up and down, laughing as Charles can only guess was them telling her the story of what they had done to the older viking.

𝕷𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖕𝖕𝖊𝖓: 𝕬𝖒𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝕽𝖔𝖞𝖆𝖑. Where stories live. Discover now