23. 𝕮𝖔𝖒𝖒𝖔𝖓 𝖈𝖔𝖑𝖉.

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After the whole fight with his parents didn't Max nor Charles hide the fact that they had sex

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After the whole fight with his parents didn't Max nor Charles hide the fact that they had sex. A lot. Sometimes they just left in the middle of a feast to go home and make love to each other. Other times they would get late in the day in the village and neither would deny what they had been up to at all.

Some would say that Charles was simply just pregnant with how many times they had done it. They didn't even deny the fact that they were trying to have one at this point in the first place. It wouldn't be a surprise to anyone if that was true. But to most's disappointment, that isn't the case. Or perhaps it could be both. Who knows.

The poor prince isn't sick in the way one would say are pregnancy symptoms. Despite now not having been seen for three days in town. He had been sick with something else, that Victoria had told the sick Monegasque was just a harmless common cold. Which had him bed ridden ever since three days ago.

Max would go only in town for important meetings or go out hunting to get some more food for his sick lover. The bed ridden prince had gotten a good case of common cold to the point that coughing hurt, opening his eyes was giving him a major headache and his nose keeps running like a waterfall.

Max had chuckled a couple of times when he had wrapped the Monegasque completely up in many furs to keep himself warm. He hated the feeling of being sick, as a child he would get sick at least four times in the winter. If it was too cold or he already had something like a runny nose, it made him really vulnerable to a common cold like this.

When Charles his parents caught wind of Him being sick. They were at his doorstep, they both said that they wouldn't say they were sorry because sick Charles wouldn't remember and would agree to anything, they only came to see if he was doing alright. But they did apologise to Max and promises the viking to apologise to Charles properly when he was better.

They left soon after and Max had been sitting next to Charles the bed for a while now. Reading a Montseillian book to him, what Charles found incredible about Max was how easily he could read a different language. The viking would smile and stroke his free hand through Charles his hair.

Who had seen a couple of times a woman walk around town with a strand of different hair colour woven in their hair. Max told Charles that it was one of the two ways to show people of the village that you were engaged. Which had Charles immediately gush and request to have the same. And so Max had cut a piece of his dark blonde hair hidden at the far part by his neck to wave the longer hair in that of Charles.

After an half hour of silently reading to Charles did the Monegasque suddenly get up. Which had Max frown and follow the poor sick prince into their bathing house. Before hunching over their toilet to puke his guts up. The frown upon Max's face only deepened.

His mind only busy with helping the poor Monegasque that he didn't catch what Charles said before taking him back to bed after rinsing his mouth. Which had Charles in bed repeat what he had said before.

𝕷𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖕𝖕𝖊𝖓: 𝕬𝖒𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝕽𝖔𝖞𝖆𝖑. Where stories live. Discover now