6 𝕱𝖊𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌.

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Something gets pushes into his arms, his eyes fly open

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Something gets pushes into his arms, his eyes fly open. Dakota growls lowly at the bear, a tiny howl comes from his arms. Charles sees a tiny white wolf pup staring with big blue eyes back at him.

It snuggles closer into his arms, Charles sobs softly and his heart racing. He feels the need to protect this little pup, feeling the need to care for it. He feels little licks on his hands as if the pup is comforting him back.

The bear roars and Dakota growls again, jumping at the bear. Clinging onto the back of the bear with his in the neck of the bear. Charles slowly crawls back.

He is too scared for his own good. One arm still around the tiny wolf pup. Which is now whimpering and licking his hand. It's shaking in his arms and Charles wants nothing more then to comfort the pup but he is scared too.

He hears a sickening crack, he closes his eyes. He doesn't want to see the bear killing the wolf of Max. He wants to know where Max is and what has happened to him.

The longer Max doesn't come to his rescue the more Charles worries and believes the Max is dead. Of course Max would die protecting people that don't belong to his country.

If Max is dead it would be Charles his fault. It would be all his fault as he can't fight or protect his life if it depends on it.

A sob leaves his lips, this is all his fault. It's all his fault that Dakota died and that Max died. His heart feels heavy in his chest and the tears freeze on his cheeks.

He can't believe that Max and Dakota just died to save his pathetic ass. Why was this happening again to him? He once lost his godfather while the man was protecting him. He always loses people when they are protecting his weak and pathetic ass.

"Charles?" He hears Arthur yell.

Charles opens his eyes, only now realising that the bear hadn't come to kill him. He sees the brown bear laying limp in the snow. Eyes wide open and teeth bared.

Dakota no where to be found, he turns to look at his younger brother. Lorenzo looks at him and helps him onto his feet, a raised brow at the pup shivering in his arms.

"Où l'as-tu trouvé ?" (Where did you find him?) Arthur asks.

"Je ne sais pas, Dakota l'a poussé dans mes bras." (I don't know, Dakota pushed him in my arms.) Charles replies to his brother.

Lorenzo pulls his you her brother into his arms. Rubbing his hand over Charles his back, his heart is still heavy as it could be that Dakota has left them to succumb to his wounds.

Charles hates the feeling of losing people. He wants nothing more then the two to come back alive. It would he his fault if Max is dead, how would he be able to tell his family this?

"tout est de ma faute." (It's all my fault.) Charles sniffs.

Charles sobs loudly into his brothers arms, who tries to shush him softly. Telling him that it isn't his fault that Max got hurt or isn't here at the moment. But Charles doesn't believe him, he is at fault.

𝕷𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖕𝖕𝖊𝖓: 𝕬𝖒𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝕽𝖔𝖞𝖆𝖑. Where stories live. Discover now