17. Lions

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"Oh Gods it is already hot in here." Vaera whined pulling off her layers and throwing them to a vacant chair. "Smile, Nyra." Vaera instructed as she stretched out her arms over her head and behind her back she felt her joints cracking back into place after the carriage ride. "We are so happy to be here." Vaera reminded her.

"So. Happy." Rhaenyra repeated dully.

'Lady Johanna was reported to have been abducted when one of Lord Swann's ships sailed through the Stepstones.' Ceira Lannister remarked.

'What will happen to Lady Johanna?' Alicent questioned.

'She's to be sold to a pillow house in the Free Cities if you believe the rumors.' Ciera told her.

'I fear the gods did not make me for hunting. Might I sit with you, my ladies?' Larys had a brace on this leg and a cane in hand as he approached the group of women chattering.

'But of course. Please join us. Larys Strong, the youngest son of our Master of Law, Lord Lyonel.' Alicent remarked.

'My Lord husband says that no King has even been able to tame the Stepstones for long. It's an inhospitable place suited only for savages.'

'Perhaps the Princesses... can give us some insight.' Ceira remarked as they looked to Rhaenyra and Vaera in the doorway.

'Oh, I'm not sure how we could. We have never been to the Stepstones.' Rhaenyra reminded them.

"Seems a lovely place, all that fighting and knights prancing around." Vaera mused. Rhaenyra stared down at her confused.

'Your dear uncle is the great mind behind this war. Is he not?' Ceira questioned.

'I wouldn't know. I've not spoken to Daemon in years.' Rhaenyra told her bitterly.

'Since you supplanted him as heir.' Ceria corrected.

"Yes, she did, because Nrya is more suitor for the role. Our uncle, love him, I do but he is not suited for the throne at this point in his life." Vaera told them. "Nrya has been of sound mind and has wonderful ambition, father saw that, he would have been a fool not to pick Nyra." Vaera said confidently, Rhaenyra smiled grabbing onto her sister's hand.

'Daemon made his choices, Lady Ceira. The Princess was more suited to the role.' Alicent said kindly trying to win back favor with her friend, but she had very much been replaced.

'He's made a mess and the King must put an end to it.' Joselyn Redwyne remarked. 'Send fleets and men and clear out the Triarchy for good.'

'But the crown is not at war.' Rhnaeyra told them.

'The crown... is at war, Princess. Though your father refuses to admit it, we've been dragged into it by your uncle and The Sea Snake.' Joselyn told her.

'And how have you served the realm of late, Lady Redwyne, by eating cake?' Vaera pondered as Rhaenyra lead her out. "Save your horse his back and put the fork down!" Vaera called back.


Heading outside she needed a breath of fresh air, this life was not for her. this place was not for her. Viserys had a son and she was becoming obsolete. At least Vaera still loved her, valued her.

'I wonder, Princesses... was your own second name day as grand as this?' Jason remarked.

'I honestly don't recall and neither will Aegon.' Rhaenyra remarked.

"I remember mine perfectly." Vaera mused. "we flew over Casterly rock and burned the castle down." Vaera mused and he stared back at her. "Oh, wait." Vaera chuckled. "That was just a dream I had... last night. Sometimes my dreams come true." Vaera told him innocently. Jason cleared his throat anxiously.

'Lord Jason Lannister.' He introduced looking to Rhaenyra.

'I gathered that from all the lions.' Vaera remarked noting his cloak and Rhaenyra chuckled. Lannister's were certainly pompous with their sigil, but weren't all houses.

'I don't think we've been properly introduced.' Jason went on.

'Your twin serves on our father's council.'

'Tyland is... frightfully dull, gods love him.' Jason said as he handed them both a glass of wine. 'The finest honeyed wine you'll ever taste. Made in Lannisport, of course.'

'Of course.' Rhaenyra agreed dryly as she brought it to her lips. Vaera took a sip and her face soured.

"Is it supposed to taste like that?" Vaera questioned and Rhaenyra shook her head slightly. Vaera offered Jason a coy smile as she turned around and dumped the wine in the grass.

'Ah, the Kings wood, it's fine hunting ground. But the best spot is to be found at Casterly Rock, near my home. Have you been?' Jason questioned

'Um, once... on tour with my mother when I was young, and honestly can't recall much of that either.' Rhaenyra remarked.

'The Rock is thrice the height of the Hightower in Old town, taller still than the Wall in the north. It's been said that if one were to stand in the tower... on a perfect day, one could see clear across the Sunset Sea.' Jason boasted

'It must be quite something.'

'Hm, I don't have a Dragon pit, of course, but... I do have the means and resources to build one.'

'Why would you need a Dragon pit?' Rhaenyra questioned.

'To house dragons, of course. I'd do anything for my Queen... or... lady wife.' Jason mused leaning in.

"Vaera wants a pet lion." Rhaenyra said catching her attention.

"Yes." Vaera agreed turning back to them. "I want to put him in a cage as others want to do with our dragons and have him feed upon my enemies, so I can hear their screams echoing in the darkness. It will soothe me to sleep." Vaera said with a smile on her face.

'Thank you for the wine.' Rhaenyra said politely as she handed back the cup and headed off to find her father. She was not going to be sold off.

"Yes, it was awful," Vaera agreed shoving his cup back at him. "Oh... Hello Ser Criston."


' Is that what I am to you? A prize to proffer about to the great houses?' Rhaneyra questioned her father bitterly

"You're of age, Rhaenyra. And Jason Lannister is an excellent match.'

"He's arrogant and self-serious.' Rhaenyra corrected

'Well, I thought you might have that in common.' Viserys countered as the continued their little match of whisper shouting in the middle of the festivities. 'Since you came of age, I've been slowly drowning in a lake of parchment flung from every corner of the realm. Marriage proposals, all. And I have tried often to discuss it with you, but you've refused me at every turn.'

'That is because I do not wish to get married.'

'Even I do not exist above tradition and duty, Rhaenyra!" Viserys shouted back, "Vaera is almost 15, she is to be married as well. you are not being forced into marriage out of punishment but duty. Vaera understands that, why can't you?"

"Vaera knows of your plans for her, does she?" Rhaenyra countered.

"She understands the ways of this world." Viserys hissed. "As I hope that you do considering you are to rule it one day." Rhaenyra opened her mouth to object but a knight spoke up silencing them.

'Excuse me, Your Grace.'

'You must marry.' Viserys told her. 'Yes?'

'The royal huntsman have sent a report, Your Grace. There's been a sighting of a white hart. The stag is "The King of the Kings wood," Your Grace. A regal portent for Prince Aegon's name day.' He remarked.

"Wonderful... Rhaenyra where is your sister?" Viserys called after her but she was already stomping out. 

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