47. Dying To Meet You

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Dancing with our hands tied // Jon Snow out now!!

"While we are in westeros I say we visit casterly rock." Daemon remarked and vaera glanced back at him as she was packing up.

" what?" Tyon had slipped her mind. Because for the past four years she had been happy. She had been in love and distracted by Daemon and her three beautiful children. Tyon lannister wasn't even on her radar.

"My gorgeous, gorgeous wife. You are like aegon the conqueror, two husbands. I think we need to change that." Daemon reminded her and Vaera laughed out.

"I agree." Vaera would say she was a one man type of gal but she was excited to see Harwin. She hated that she was excited to see Harwin but he was her first. Haemon... Haemon.

"What's wrong?" Daemon asked wrapping his arms around her. "Not having second thoughts are you? Because if you are I'm more than willing to say." Daemon reminded her placing gentle kisses on her shoulder.

"No, I want to go back. I miss them. I miss my father and Nyra... its just..." Vaera's lips twisted.

"What love?"

"Nothing." Vaera told him. "I'm just thinking off all the kids things... all their..."

"We can come back, we don't have to stay in westeros." Daemon reminded her.

"Oh I know but we don't know how long we will be there and I don't want to leave anything they might want and... did you get the saddles ready?"

"yes the smith added secure straps and grooves for the twins." Daemon agreed.

"Good, good, I don't want them flying off over the narrow sea." Vaera informed him.

"Mama!" Haemon declared running in with Blue on his shoulder. "I fly blue?"

"He's a bit too small for that love." Vaera reminded him.

"Oh..." Haemon's whole self sagged.

"You can ride with me though, you and blue." Vaera suggested. "I would love my little riding buddy with me." Haemon nodded immediately.

"You all ready bud?" Daemon asked as Haemon hugged his legs.

"Yes." Haemon agreed. Vaera loved what a good father Daemon was. It was... refreshing to see him so gentle and kind. Especially with Haemon's very black hair.

The twins were making faces at each other, giggling and making funny faces again. Daemon thought they did that for an hour straight as they packed up the dragons for their flight.

"I was thinking when we get there was celebrate the twins name day again with everyone." Vaera suggested. The twins had just turned one but Vaera didn't miss an opportunity for cookies and to celebrate her babies.

"I think Viserys would like that." Daemon agreed.

"Do you have the eggs?" Vaera asked double checking and triple checking everything.

"Vaera love, we got everything. Don't worry your gorgeous little head about it." Daemon assured kissing her and she nodded hugging him tight.

"To westeros we go." Vaera declared. She moved to the twins giving them each a kiss and securing them in, Caraxes shifted his head back to them. "You take care of my babies." Vaera told Caraxes or no cookies for you!" Daemon chuckled.

"I don't think he cares for cookies." Daemon remarked.

"Lies." Vaera told him kissing Vhaegon and Rhaegon again. "Everyone cares about cookies."

"You my love are a cookie monster." Daemon whispered pulling her to him.

"Monster?" Vaera teased. "Then you must speak quieter my dear, don't want to awaken the beast inside."

"I quite enjoy the beast." Daemon countered.

"Ready!" Haemon declared.

"Calypso," Vaera declared and she perked up. "You ready love?"

"Race you there?" Daemon mused.

"NO." Vaera said immediately. "Not with my babies on board."

"I kid, I kid." Daemon assured.


When they landed on the shores of the capital Daemon passed off the twins before getting back on Caraxes.

"Daemon?" Vaera asked confused he slide back down holding her face in his hands and kissing her completely before taking a step back.

"I'm off to kill the husband, remember?" Daemon said pulling himself back up.

"Be careful Daemon." Vaera requested.

"Careful is my middle name." Daemon countered winking back down at her.

"You ready to meet your grandsire? And auntie nyra?" Vaera said haemon as she shifted the twins in her arms. Haemon nodded nervously and Vaera knelt before him putting the twins in the sand. "What's wrong love?" Vaera asked pulling Haemon to her.

"What if they don't like me?" Haemon asked.

"Impossible." Vaera told him. "They are going to love you."

"Really?" Haemon asked.

"Of course, you are perfection." Vaera assured. "I know they will love you because you my sweet boy are the best big brother, the sweetest boy, so smart too, so handsome, charming, the best boy I could ask for, don't tell your brothers that though." Vaera mused peppering his face with kisses.

"Thank you mama." Haemon said hugging her tight.

"Lets go meet them." Vaera insisted. "I bet they are dying to meet you."

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