42. Breath and Body

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Daemon shifted pulling Vaera close nuzzling his face in her neck. She moaned leaning into him.

"Did I wake you?" Daemon mused kissing down her shoulder.

"I would be sad if you didn't." Vaera assured rolling around to face him, she felt him hardening as her ass brushed against him.

"All the time in the world." Daemon assured kissing her again. Vaera glanced out the window, it was a rainy day in pentos. "Looks like we have to save our riding plans for tomorrow." Daemon remarked as she wrapped her arms around him, her leg wrapping around his and pulling him closer. His hand trailed so gently down her breast and side, gentle touches at her ribs that made a shiver go through her spine.

""Anything can feel like sex, gorgeous...any part of your body, as long as it's treated right."

To prove his point he shifted his position, laying her arm down at her side and moving lower to press his mouth to her stomach. Daemon rested his hands on her hips and stroked her with his thumbs to settle her as she giggled his tongue tickling her.

And then his lips and tongue began their slow, maddening descent downward, licking and kissing and nuzzling and nudging their way right past her crotch and all the achingly sensitive bits it contained - he didn't stop, never even touched her there, just kept moving slowly down her inner thigh, lifting her leg so he could lick behind her knee, trailing his tongue down her calf to her ankle where he gave her a nipping little bite on the jutting bone.

Vaera jerked her leg and he stopped, tilting his face up to look at her.

"Are you alright, gorgeous?" There was a teasing bit of amusement in his voice and she knew he was taking great pleasure in this torturous game of arousal.

"I'm...I'm good." Vaera assured. He ran his tongue up the inside of her knee, exhaling his warm breath across the damp trail he'd left.

"Are you sure about that?" he whispered, tormenting her. She felt him shifting on the bed, settling in between her thighs, spreading them with his hands as his mouth roamed higher. Vaera groaned miserably and gripped the sheets.

"No really, I'm...I'm good..." Vaera barely had the words out when his tongue flicked against her clit. She was so aroused by this point that it was a struggle not to come just from that brief touch, and he took her arched back and strangled gasp as an invitation to separate her folds with his fingers and push his mouth against her opening. She cried out and grabbed his head, tangling her hands in his hair, and before she realized she was saying anything at all a desperate jumble of words flew from her mouth.

"Ohhhh FUCK please... please Dae..." Vaera whimpered out she felt him chuckle against her. "Daemon...."

Her mumbled into her vibrating her whole body and it sent her eyes back into her head.

"I want you...oh god please put it in - " Vaera demanded as she felt his mouth break contact with her, but his breath still tickled her wet skin. She would have thought it would have had a cooling effect, but it only made her more achingly hot.

"Say it gorgeous," he growled, and she knew exactly what he wanted. This part of him, this dark and dominant side, it reared its kinky head from time to time and Vaera always obliged it... and despite the way it made her shiver with embarrassed arousal, the truth was that she liked it nearly as much as he did.

It fit into their relationship perfectly, not defining it, but putting a name on part of it like a little gift-wrapped package that they kept under the bed, taking it out and untying the bow whenever they felt the need. Vaera was in charge but in the bedroom Daemon very much liked to take control. Vaera let him.

Vaera opened her eyes and looked down at him. The expression on his face told her he was feeling that need, right now.

"Please..." Vaera moaned, feeling her face flush hot. "Please Dae... I need you inside me...now...please." The wide grin that spread across his face as he crawled up her body to hurriedly settle on top of her made her feel so alive that she choked on a sob as he pushed in, stretching her wide and thrusting deep.

It was fast and messy and it hurt as much as it felt good but she wanted it that way, she wanted to feel every inch of him as far inside her as she could, to have her body absorb every move he made and to know without any doubt that he was inside her.

As she looked up at him, at his sweaty face and his tightly closed eyes, brow furrowed in intense concentration and mouth slightly open, breathing hard and heavy, she knew one thing with a piercing clarity unlike any other bit of knowledge she had ever stored away in her brain.

She knew that she loved him, and that this - this man on top of her, whose breath and body she was sharing - this was the man she would spend the rest of her life with, make a family with, and grow old with. 

The Joker and The Queen // Daemon Targaryen // Harwin StrongWhere stories live. Discover now