27. Kiss Me

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''Criston what a surprise!' vaera mused.


''Yes you dont see me I'm inside already.'' Vaera told him with a smirk as she headed inside and closed the door.

''I don't understand she was just...'' criston stared at the door

''Vaera is trouble. I warned you when the king transferred your to her services. She would have you on your toes.'' Harwin remarked.


"Go on Cole." Harwin barked.

"I can handle Princess Vaera." Criston assured.

"You can't. if you want to guard another empty room, go to Princess Rhaenyras door." Harwin said nudging him out of the way. Criston glanced back at Harwin before moving down the hall. Harwin knocked on the door heard a faint come in from the other side and saw vaera getting ready

''What were you wearing little love?'' Harwin remarked

''Rags. Gross right? Daemon got them for me and-'' her words faded but her smile didnt ''-and then we went to a show and I had fun''. Vaera told him.

''How did you get past Criston?''

''I'm quiet like a mouse apparently,'' she had already fixed the secret passageway. ''These rooms are also very sound proof apparently.'' Vaera added.

''That so?'' She hadnt realized how close Harwin was until she felt his breath on her face.

''Yeah.'' she said softly.

''I think i need to keep a better eye on you.'' Harwin remarked "I dont think Criston can handle the night watch anymore."

''Yeah,'' she repeated softly as his hand moved to her face gently cupping her cheek.

''Maybe I stay right here, to I can keep an eye on you better. Don't want to lose my little love." Harwin told her

''Hmm,'' vaera didnt know what was happening but her heart pounded in her chest as Harwin's lips came down to hers. Her arms wrapped around him pulling him down to her as his hands wrapped around her waist. But quickly he righted himself taking a step back vaera stared at him confused as she licked at her lips.


''I'm sorry please forgive my outburst.'' Harwin said easing towards the door.

''Oh.. right...'' vaera nodded licking at her lips. ''Goodnight then.'' Vaera told him moving to her bed.

''Goodnight princess.'' Harwin agreed glancing back at her before closing the door.

"Princess." She repeated. Not little love.


Meanwhile, Rhaenyra was getting her first experience with pleasures of the body as well.

'What is this place?'

'It's where people come to take what they want.' Daemon told her as they walked through the pleasure house. She looked around at the people so openly fucking all around her, their moans echoed. 'Fսcking is a pleasure, you see. For the woman as it is the man.' Daemon informed her.

'A marriage is a duty...'

'Yes. But that doesn't stop us from doing what we want. From fսcking who we want.' Daemon told her, Rhaenyra leaned into him but Daemon chuckled taking a step back. Rhaenyra was the heir but it wasnt her that Daemon wanted tonight.  Breathlessly Rhaenyra opened her eyes watching him leave, she wanted him, she was so close and he was right there and why bring her here if he didnt... want her.

The Joker and The Queen // Daemon Targaryen // Harwin StrongWhere stories live. Discover now