26. Yell At Me

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'And now we come to the matter of the great Iron Chair... and whose bum it might bear. Our good King... names his daughter, a girl, his heir.' Daemon had brought vaera and Rhaenyra to a play, the crowd was enthusiastic. 'But then to him, a babe is born.' The actor portraying Alicent was grunting and groaning delivering a fake child for the audience.

'A son!' the speaker declared. 'To which heir might the chair bear? Who will it be? The brother? The daughter? Or the little princeling of three?' Daemon stared down at Rhaenyra as she watched the play of their lives.

"Where am I?" Vaera whispered.

"Be glad they don't portray you." Daemon told her pulling her back into, hands running along her arms and sides it sent a shiver through her as she looked up at him, he winked down at her pressing a kiss to her cheek.

"Why are they all men?" Vaera went on.

"You are a good actress gorgeous you want to get up there?" Daemon mused.

 "It's just gross." Vaera told him, "the man playing Rhaenyra has a beard. its rude."

'Rhaenyra... the Realm's Delight, a girl so young and so slight... loved by all of her people, but would she make a powerful queen, or would she be feeble?'

'Feeble!' the crowd shouted and Rhaenyra's face dropped.

'Though Aegon, the babe Prince, might long for a claim, he has two things Rhaenyra cannot: a conqueror's name... and a cock.'

"BOO!" Vaera shouted.

'Lies, slander! Boo!' Rhaenyra tried but their cheers outweighed her one measly voice of objection.

"Treason!" Vaera agreed but their voices were drowned out, Daemon wrapped his arms around Vaera tighter as the people around them got more rowdy.

'Jest if you will, but many of the smallfolk are like to believe that, as a male, Aegon should be the heir.' Daemon reminded her as he lead them away.

'Why?" Vaera questioned. "Nyra is the heir, father declared it. Him having a cock is of little consequence to being a good ruler."

"Their wants are of no consequence.' Rhaenyra reminded them and Daemon laughed as the crowd continued cheering, and whistling in amusement.

'They're of great consequence if you expect to rule them one day.' Daemon reminded her.

'For one night, I wish to be free of the burdens of my inheritance.' Rhaenyra remarked picking at some food a vendor was selling.

'Four coppers, street rat.' The man shouted at her.

'In King's Landing, we pay for our pleasures.' Daemon told her and she threw the food back at the man and ran.

'Hey! Stop! Boy!'

'Wait, I'll find him.' Daemon assured heading off with a chuckle on his lips. vaera started laughing as rhaenyra ran off

Rhaenyra had never felt so alive she was breathing heavily as she ran but she collided with a knight with a grunt.

'And who might you be running from, now?'

'Ser Harwin.' Rhaenyra said kindly and he stared down at her confused

'Princess.' He grumbled

'Don't.' she begged as him as Vaera and daemon were coming up behind her.

'You take care, boy. Next time, you might not be so lucky.' Ser Harwin remarked.

''This is fun uncle daemon thank you for bringing us.'' Vaera told him as he wrapped an arm around her.

The Joker and The Queen // Daemon Targaryen // Harwin StrongWhere stories live. Discover now