69. Would've

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So It Goes // Corlys Velaryon // Rhaenys Targaryen out now!

Vaera didnt like the birthing process but she loved the littles that she created. A squeal of excitement filled her as she was handed her twins. Boys.

Vaera was content and tired as she leaned back into Daemon.

"Princess another!"

"What?" Vaera countered as they took her boys back.

"Another one!"

"I did feel like a rather large melon." Vaera agreed calmly.

"Push princess!"

"Can I have a moment to breathe?" Vaera countered.


"I get it." Vaera assured. "Im just tired and gross and want a long bath and to kiss my babies-"

"Princess push!"

"I dont think they know any other words gorgeous." Daemon mused kissing her sweaty neck. "Another one... you got this my brave girl." Daemon whispered.

Can you birth the next one and I will be moral support?" Vaera offered and Daemon chuckled as a little girl was delivered into the world.

"If you say another Im going to scream." Vaera warned.

"Do rest the after birth will be coming soon enough." The nurses remarked as Daemon cut the umbilical cords and babies were placed in their arms.

"Honestly surprised Haemon isnt checking on you yet." Daemon remarked.

"My father is looking after him." Vaera remarked fondly.

"So boring him out of his little mind?" Daemon teased.

"What do you think of Alyssa?" Vaera asked leaning into Daemon as she stared down at her baby girl. Her first girl. "I know how much you loved your mother. An ode to her?" Daemon nodded touching his daughters silver tuffs.

"Alyssa." He repeated fondly. "Lovely idea."

He chuckled at the thought of what his father would say if was still here. His mother was never one for rules but his father was a bit more strict.

Mother father I married my niece, stole her away to pentos for a few years and have six children. Viserys is so proud I corrupted his baby girl.

Baelon would probably faint and Alyssa would kiss his cheek and run to meet her new grandchildren... and great grandchildren. 

Daemon thought his mother would love Vaera. Vaera was actually a lot like Alyssa. Brave and kind, beautiful and protective. But Vaera's love of cookies was like no other. Her heart and her smile, her soul. 

Aerion and Jacaerys and Alyssa.

"I picked Jace!" Haemon declared happily. 

"Yes you did," Daemon agreed. 

"Little, so little." Vhae remarked peering down into Vaera's arm. 

"I little too?" Rhae added. 

"You were little, not this little though." Vaera confirmed but then she looked to Haemon. "You were never this little, you were always my big boy." Vaera recalled. Haemon chuckled snuggling into her side as he reached a hand out for Alyssa. 

There was the breifest moments of peace and calm before Haemon shot up, a  look of panic on his handsome little face. 

"What's wrong love?" Vaera questioned kissing his forehead. 

"We dont have an eggs for them." Haemon declared nervously. "Callie didnt... did she daddy?" 

"Calypso didn't last I checked but we can check Syrax?" Daemon offered. 

"Goodness, Caraxes leading all the ladies on." Vaera teased. 

"Must get that from you." Daemon mused kissing her gently as there was a knock on the door. "I swear if thats-" Daemon murmured but it was Viserys. 

"Hi daddy." Vaera said and Viserys looked around at all the babies. 

"Brother, meet Aerion, Jacaerys and Alyssa." Daemon announced. 

"Alyssa." Viserys repeated fondly. 

"Vaera's idea." Daemon agreed. 

"I wish she could have met you my dear." Viserys remarked as he took little Alyssa from Daemon. "She would have loved you so much." 

"She really would have." Daemon agreed. 

"Everyone loves mama." Haemon agreed. "It is quite annoying really." Vaera chuckled as she pulled Haemon closer. "I don't like sharing still." Haemon whispered as he kissed her cheek. 

"I dont like sharing your mama either." Daemon agreed. 

Vaera shifted uncomfortably on the bed as her body ached. Her stomach stretched out, her breasts sore and tight, her body sweaty and sticky. 

Haemon noticed her tipping her head back into him as she closed her eyes. 

"Everybody out!" Haemon declared jumping down from the bed. "Mama is tired, out, out, out." Haemon demanded nudging Viserys forward. 

"Can I give my daughter a kiss?" Viserys questioned and Haemon shook his head still trying to move him out. 

"Haemon, please." Vaera requested reaching a hand out for him. 

"One." Haemon agreed. "then you go and mama rests."

"Thank you." Viserys agreed. "Your little protector." Viserys remarked hugging her gently. "I'm so proud of you, you are such a good mother. I wish..."

"Me too." Vaera assured knowing what he wasnt saying. I wish Aemma was here. I wish Rhaenyra was here. I wish all the wonderful women in your life were alive to see you now, see how amazing Vaera was. 

"They all would've been so proud of you. So happy for you. So envious of your beautiful and ever growing family." Viserys remarked. 

"Thank you daddy." Vaera rasped. 

"Okay, mama needs rest, out." Haemon instructed. He leaned against the door and stared back at Vaera. 

"Thank you baby." Vaera agreed. Haemon glanced to Daemon. 

"Don't you dare think I'm leaving." Daemon warned him. 

"Mama is dirty." Haemon whispered to Daemon not wanting to hurt her feelings. Even though vaera knew she was dirty, bloody and sweaty. "Get her a bath." Haemon instructed. 

"I think Haemon is trying to say you smell." Daemon teased. 

"I said no such thing." Haemon declared before running up to Vaera. "I didnt say that. I would never." Haemon assured her. "You are just... sticky mama." Haemon remarked. 

"I am. I do need a bath. I feel icky." Vaera agreed. 

"I didnt say you smell." Haemon reiterated. "Daddy is a liar." 

"My boy." Vaera whispered kissing him again. 

"Don't listen to daddy, I would never."

The Joker and The Queen // Daemon Targaryen // Harwin StrongWhere stories live. Discover now