74. Your Father. Your Blood

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The cookie party as vaera claimed it to be was in full swing. Vhaegon and Rhaegon spun Helaena around happily before they got more cookies and then spun around some more.

Aegon and Aemond were getting along. The triplets were running and stumbling around happily as crumbs spilled from their mouths. 

Haemon however was quiet. He stood on the balcony alone. Vaera didnt like that. 

"Princess," Harwin remarked. 

"Harwin has Haemon seemed off to you?" Vaera questioned anxiously. 

"Actually, yes." Harwin admitted. "He..." he chuckled thinking maybe this wouldnt be considered off but it was. "Haemon called me Ser Harwin." Vaera's face dropped. 

"That is odd." Vaera agreed. 

"That's what I thought but then he ran off." Harwin remarked. "What's going on?"

"I don't know." Vaera admitted. "He was fine, then Maleficent left and... he started acting funny after she left actually." Vaera recalled. 

"You think he grew fond of her?" Harwin mused and Vaera scoffed at the thought. 

"I would think that Aegon's plan to murder his mother... Haemon and well... all of them agreeing to it. Vhae said it was a bad idea but he approved, it was adorable until I found out that my babies were planning murder." Vaera hissed. "excuse me Harwin, I need to talk to him."

"Of course.' Harwin agreed stepping aside. 

"Drink this." Daemon instructed holding out a glass to her. 

"What... it has cookie crumbs on the lip of the glass." Vaera remarked. 

"A special cocktail for my gorgeous girl." Daemon remarked. Vaera stuck her tongue out licking the rim before taking a sip. 

"OH!" She exclaimed taking another sip. "You put cookies in it?"

"I told you it was special." Daemon agreed as Vaera finished it. "You want another?"

"yes." Vaera agreed kissing his cheek. 

"Coming right up." Daemon agreed kissing the crumbs from her lips. 

"Oh, did Haemon say anything to you?" Vaera questioned nodding to the balcony. 

"I don't think he had a cookie." Daemon countered. "Perhaps he needs a kiss from you and a cookie to make him feel better."

"He's never like this." Vaera remarked. "I don't what to do, he called Harwin, Ser Harwin as well."

"No, no, he is mr knight with the scruffies that is forever his title." Daemon corrected. 

"I know and its so cute." Vaera agreed " But..." Vaera glanced at Haemon as he came back inside he kept his head down but his eyes drifted up to her. "Hi my love, are you having fun? What can I do to make this cookie party better?" Vaera questioned kneeling in front of him. Haemon pursed his lips looking back down to his feet. 

"Haemon love whats wrong?" Vaera begged running her hands up and down his arms. "Haemon... baby... talk to me." Vaera kissed his cheeks hugging him tight. "Okay if you are playing the quiet game then I'm just going to keep hugging you until you talk to me." Vaera remarked pulling him into her lap and kissing his cheek over and over and over again. She felt him sigh against her. "Haemon honey whats wrong? You can tell me. If you and Aegon got into a bit of trouble I won't be mad." Vaera assured. "I just can't handle you not talking to me. I miss your smile too." Vaera added as he stood up. 

"Alicent said I was a bastard and you didnt love me.'' Haemon whispered.

''She said what?" Vaera demanded fuming mad.

''She said...''


''You cant honestly be that stupid.'' Alicent hissed.

''Mama says I'm her smart boy." Haemon corrected.

''Of course you are too far up Vaeras cunt like the rest of the world.'' Alicent declared.

''I see why mama dont like you more and more.'' Haemon countered.

''You honestly... your mother that you worship so much has been lying to you. You are a bastard. Daemon is not your father. He doesnt care about you. Now that vaera has children real children of her own she wont love you anymore.'' Alicent informed him

''You are lying!" Haemon shouted ''my parents love me!''

''Your father is not your father.'' Alicent corrected. ''You are a bastard. Your mother is a whore. Your father is Harwin Strong.''

''No.'' Haemon corrected taking a step back.

''Yes. Honestly you all fall for her lies but Vaeras children have silver hair like Daemon and herself and you-" alicent reached out but Haemon swatted her hand away. "- black. Thick black hair and tall and strong. So Strong.''

''No,'' Haemon whispered turning away from her.

''She will replace you sooner or later. Just as she has been trying to take my children... to replace you as well." Alicent called after him. "She doesnt love you!"

"You're lying!" Haemon shouted "I dont believe you!"

"Then why are you so upset?" Alicent countered before getting in her carriage and heading to old town.


"Honey I love you so much. I could never, would never replace you!" Vaera assured hugging him tight. "I will love until my last breath."

"She said my fathers not my father... why would she say that?" Haemon countered and vaera wiped at his teary eyes.

"Because she is mean and cruel and jealous that she could never have a boy as precious as you." Vaera declared.

"So she was lying?" Haemon whimpered.

"Yes she was".

Daemon turned around to see Harwin coming up to them. He was surprised those words left Harwins mouth. Harwin was surprised himself.

"Prince Daemon is your father". Harwin assured him. "I do care about your mother and you and your siblings but Prince Daemon..." Harwin glanced to Daemon. "He is your father. Your blood." 

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