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"I feel like a failure!" Vaera declared.

"You are not, you are a wonderful mother and sister to Aemond." Viserys assured her.

"I have been trying to bond Syrax to Aemond for moons and no luck, no luck!" Vaera whined. "I want him to have a dragon, I want him to have Syrax but she's already bonded with me. She doesnt seem to like men riding her. I thought that if... maybe I should have tried sooner." Vaera muttered. "Before she claimed me as her own, then Aemond-"

"Aemond was young, he still is." Viserys reminded her gently as he kissed her hand. "All of your siblings look up to you like a mother, you are not failure, you are my perfect girl. I wouldnt change a thing about you."

"Thank you Daddy."

As Vaera was leaving her fathers chambers she came across Alicent and Larys. Neither looked rather happy but Alicent always had resting bitch face in Vaera's eyes.


Vaera stared down at Daeron when she heard carriages and the hightower flag flying high.

"What do you mean you're sending him away?" Vaera countered as Daeron sobbed out clinging to her.

"He is to be with family." Alicent remarked. "Not that I need to explain myself to you."

"Im family. Whats your problem?" Vaera hissed. "He is just a child. He is so young-"

"Yes. He is so young to be put through your abuse!" Alicent agreed.

"Abuse?" Vaera countered. "I love the children. I love them more than you do! All of them!"

"I am the queen. You will do best to remember that." Alicent spat back.

"What a good queen you are sending your son away. What will you do next send them all away to keep them from me. Keep them from ever getting real love and affection!" Vaera spat.

"You bastard son shows just how much love and affection you spread around." Alicent countered and Vaera faltered back a step silently.

What was there to say to that?


"Loves fucking you. Wants to be king. You honestly think that when the time comes he wont dispose of you and your bastard son!" Alicent shouted for all to hear as Vaera was suddenly mute. Daemon wouldnt hurt her or haemon. Daemon loved them. But still Alicents words hurt.

Everyone with eyes saw that Haemons dark hair and build were not that of Daemon or Vaeras slim and lean but Haemon was Daemons.

"Haemon is daemons son." Vaera declared but her voice shook.

"Whatever you need to tell yourself." Alicent hissed as she marched off.

"Vee no!" Daeron begged clinging to her.

"I will talk to our father." Vaera declared picking him up. She tried to avoid the stares, the whispers as she passed but her heart hurt.

"Daddy you can't let her send Daeron away." Vaera declared as Daeron sobbed into her.

"Oh Vaera love..." Viserys whispered kissing her forehead. "Honey it is what Alicent-"

"She doesnt know what is best for them. Perhaps she needs a trip to old town, to see her father." Vaera decided. "Yes, that must be it. Give her leave to go back to old town. Don't let her send Daeron away, he is so little."

Viserys did just that. Alicent stared back at him appalled. But he smiled kindly as he said it and said she could take as much time as she wanted in old town with her family. Vaera would take great care of the children he assured. Alicent huffed a dragon as she packed a bag. Her father would know how to dispose of Vaera once and for all.

"Tank ouuu," Daeron whispered giving Vaera a kiss.

"I'm always going to look out for you." Vaera assured holding him closer.


"You look well." Vaera declared she had seen her father gaining strength and acting more like himself since Alicent left. Maybe Alicent was poisoning him.

"It's the funniest thing Vaera love," Viserys began. "Daemon came in demanding new treatments be tired a while back and well... I feel great." Vaera hugged tight to him.

"He did?"

"Of course I was just as surprised." Viserys remarked.

"That's not what I meant." Vaera corrected.

"There was a time I thought Daemon would sooner kill me than be the one demanding new treatments to keep me alive." Viserys remarked. "Your light rubbed off on him. I know it."

"He was always good." Vaera corrected. "You just couldnt see it through Hightowers clouding your vision." she added innocently. "I'm glad you are doing better daddy, I don't know what I would without you."

"I'm sure you would be just fine." Viserys corrected. "You have a wonderful husband, who loves you over the moon."

"I love him." Vaera confirmed.

"What's wrong?" Viserys questioned seeing her face shift just slightly.

"ALicent made some loud declarations before she left." Vaera rasped through a heavy heart.

"I heard some gossip." Viserys agreed grabbing her hand.

"Haemon is Daemon's son. Anyone with ears can hear how similar they are." Vaera remarked.

"But people are fools and Alicent is jealous." Viserys informed her and Vaera stared back up at him confused.

"What do you mean?"

"You got the man of your dreams, young, handsome, a warrior and a great father... Alicent got me." Viserys reminded her.

"You are young and handsome and... not a warrior but not all men need to be. You are without a doubt the best daddy in the world." Vaera assured him. "I love you so much."

"I could do better with Aegon and the others." Viserys remarked.

"You werent feeling well you can do better now that you are stronger." Vaera declared. "And I'm right here to help you. Every step of the way."

The Joker and The Queen // Daemon Targaryen // Harwin StrongWhere stories live. Discover now