54. Brave

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Vaera clung to Nyra sobbing into her for hours. Daemon and Viserys couldnt pull her away. She had been gone four years and now her sister was gone, right when she came home, Nyra died. Her heart felt so broken.

Finally exhausted from crying and screaming Daemon scooped Vaera up and brought her to bed. She sat in a daze as he cleaned the blood. Nyras blood from her arms and face. He helped her into a fresh dress before pulling the covers around her. He looked into her eyes but that light was gone. Her gaze distant and distracted.

"Vaera love." Daemon whispered kissing her forehead "Haemon is worried about you... he wants to see you..." he looked at her face still as she let out a shaky breath. "Vaera." He coed hugging her to him.

"I dont want her to be gone." She rasped out.

"I know gorgeous. Im so sorry. Im sorry love" he whispered over and over again. She shook gently in his arms. He felt the erratic beat of her heart as she cried silently into him.

"Can you... get Haemon..." Vaera whispered "i want to see him."

"Of course." Daemon agreed kissing her again as he got up.

Daemon pushed open Haemons door only to see Harwin kneeling next to the bed.

"Your mama is sad right now." Harwin went on. "She loves you so much. But shes sad. She lost her sister."

"So she still loves me?" Haemon asked

"Of course" daemon spoke up moving towards them. "She wants to see you bud." Daemon remarked picking him up. "Strong" daemon sneered

"How is she?" Harwin asked following Daemon and Haemon out.

"Let me worry about Vaera. My wife." Daemon reminded him.

"She is still my friend." Harwin corrected. "I still love her."

"Love her from a distance then." Daemon suggested as he pushed open the door kicking it closed behind him.

"Mama!" Haemon practically lunged from Daemons arms and onto Vaera.

"Hi baby. I missed you." Vaera said softly as he hugged her tight.

" mr Knight said you were sad." Haemon remarked

"Mr... knight?" Vaera asked

"The big one with the fuzzies on his face." Haemon clarified.

"Harwin." Vaera choked out a laugh.

"Are you sad mama?"

"I am." Vaera agreed. "But I love you so much and your hugs always make me feel better." Vaera assured snuggling him to her.


This was it. The moment of bliss. The moment Alicent was waiting for. Rhaenyra was gone, no heirs. Aegon was the obvious choice. 

"Vaera honey..." Viserys coed pushing open the door. She was buried under the covers. Haemon was telling her a story, while Blue puffed out little smoke circles. 

"She's tired Viserys." Daemon remarked moving past him and putting her tea on the table. "She doesnt want company."

"I just lost my eldest daughter Daemon. I would like to see Vaera." Viserys corrected. 

Daemon peaked under the covers and looked down at Vaera's little broken face. 

"I want to go for a ride." Vaera whispered. Daemon nodded kissing her forehead as he pulled the covers back. "I want to see Syrax... I don't know that she knows." 

"Of course.' Daemon agreed as she sat up her feet hitting the cold floor. 

"Vaera," Viserys moved to her hugging her tight. 

"It's like mom all over again." Vaera whimpered. 

"I know baby, I know..." Viserys agreed. 

"I told them to save Nyra, but it still... she still... Daddy why didnt it work? Why is she gone?" Vaera sobbed out. 

"I don't know honey, I really don't." Viserys agreed. 

"I'm sorry I left." Vaera whispered looking up to him as he brushed her hair from her eyes. "I'm sorry I wasnt here..."

"Oh honey, that's my fault. I pushed you towards that cowardly lion. I pushed you away. I never meant to." 

"I know... but I could have been braver." Vaera remarked. 

"My sweet girl, you are so strong, and brave and passionate, you are a wonderful mother, I see that already. Your mother and Rhaenyra would be so proud of the lovely young woman you are." Viserys told her as tears fell down his eyes. 

"I wish they were here." Vaera whimpered her lips quivering as her vision was clouded with tears. 

"Me too, me too.... we still have each other."

Vaera nodded hugging tight to him unable to stop the tears from falling. Haemon looked up to her as he moved Blue aside and hugged her to. 

"Oh, thank you..." Vaera whispered kissing Haemon's head. 

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