55. Heir

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Untouchable // Daemon // Aemond x Jurassic Park crossover

Vaera ran her hand over Syrax scales as they prepared Nyra's body to be set a flame. 

"My Nyra... your... mama..." Vaera whispered leaning back into Syrax. "She's..." Vaera couldnt say it. Syrax looked at her face and it was as though she understood Vaera's tears. Syrax lay down, her large body curled around Vaera. 

Of course the council was already moving on to the coronation of Aegon before Nyra's body was even burned but Viserys stared back at them confused. 

"Aegon?" Viserys asked them. 

"Your heir." They agreed. "We must get things started right away. Ravens have been sent to all the great houses to proclaim their loyalty to King viserys new heir."

"Aegon is not my crowned heir." Viserys informed them. 

"What do you mean?" 

"Vaera." Viserys told them. "Vaera Rose Targaryen. Is my heir to the iron throne." 


"I come too?" Haemon asked balancing Blue on his shoulder. 

"Of course." Vaera agreed. Daemon came up behind her and kissed her cheek, wrapping his arms around her waist. "A family ride?" Vaera asked softly. 

"I would like that." Daemon agreed. "Should we ride Calypso or Caraxes?" Daemon offered as she leaned back into him. 

"Syrax." She corrected. "A final ride for Nyra." Daemon nodded kissing her shoulder as he led Syrax out. Vaera held Haemon to her as they watched Syrax kneel before Vaera. 

"I think Syrax just claimed you." Daemon remarked offered her a hand. She stepped forward letting out a shaky breath as Daemon took Haemon and Vaera climbed up. Haemon held tight to Daemon's shirt as he started his ascent as well. Vaera pulled Haemon to her as Daemon slid in behind her. 

She sat for a moment, feeling the heavy purr of Syrax under them, Daemon's hand on her thighs and little Haemon staring up at her. 

"Ready mama?" Haemon asked. 

"You want to say it?" Vaera asked holding tight to Haemon as she leaned back into Daemon. He held her tighter as Haemon slapped happily at the reigns. 

"SO GO!" Haemon declared and Vaera chuckled. 

"Sōvegon." Daemon corrected softly but Syrax heard and took flight. Haemon moved the reigns pretending to steer, as he smiled happily. Vaera breathed in the clouds and closed her eyes. She could almost picture Nyra and her racing up here. Could almost pretend her sister was still alive. 


Vaera didnt remember any of the funeral. Not the burning, not the speeches, not the smug smile Alicent wore.  Vaera didnt touch a single cookie and she went to bed early and stayed in bed all the next day. 

"She is not fit to be queen. You have a son, an heir-"

"Vaera is my heir." Viserys corrected. 

"She is inconsolable." Tyland offered. 

"She just lost her sister. Her best friend." Viserys reminded them. "Of course she is inconsolable. If she were not filled with emotions and grief I would think her a psychopath, not having a heart like all of you seem to be. My Vaera is allowed to feel sad and angry, allowed to grieve."

"We need a show of strength and-"

"Aegon is a child." Viserys corrected. "His strength is screaming when the candles blow out at night because he is still scared of the dark!" 

"Vaera is-"

"A woman." 

"Rhaenyra was a girl of ten and four when she was named." Viserys reminded them. 

"But you have a son-"

"Vaera is my heir. I will hear no more of this nonsense. She will make a good queen-"

"She married Daemon." Beesbury spoke up. 

"She did." Viserys agreed. 

"She fled the country after her wedding to an upstanding man, a Lannister man." Tyland agreed. But being a Lannister he was partial. 

"She came back, married to a man you disinherited more times than any of us can count." They went on. 

"Aegon should hold the crown after you. Vaera and Daemon should not."

"Vaera is a wonderful woman. She just lost her sister. This title, this birthright, belongs to Vaera." Viserys corrected. "I always thought she would make a good queen." He informed them. "But she was so young, I didn't want to put that on her. She is grown and the time has unfortunately come to choose again...." Viserys looked around the group. 

"I pray none of you have to lose a child. It is..." Viserys put a hand to his heart. "-it should never come to pass. Losing a child. But it has.... Rhaenyra would have made a good queen. But Vaera is the heir. She will rule. I will hear no more of this."


Vaera flopped down in bed and when she went to blow out the candles she saw a cookie on her night table. A little note underneath. 

-You used to say there was no problem that a cookie couldnt fix. 
Forever your cookie Knight.-

Vaera's finger ran over the words. Her cookie knight... She sat up breaking a piece of the cookie and sticking it in her mouth. It was delicious. 

"You alright gorgeous?" Daemon asked as she handed him part of the cookie. "Sharing cookies with me." Daemon remarked putting his mouth to her hand and taking it from her with his teeth. She giggled as he pulled her down to him. "Cookies before bed, don't tell Haemon or he will make a habit of it like you." Daemon mused licking the crumbs from her lips. "My perfect Vaera..." he kissed her again as she wrapped herself around him. "I love you."

The Joker and The Queen // Daemon Targaryen // Harwin StrongWhere stories live. Discover now