62. Doubt

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"Haemon is an excellent judge of character. Daemon remarked and Vaera glanced back at him through the mirror. "So smart he is too."

"Why did you say it like that?" Vaera mused.

"Like what?" Daemon offered innocently.

"Like he said something to someone.'' Vaera countered turning around. "What did he do?"

"Nothing. He just told Strong to fuck off." Daemon assured a smile on his face but Vaera stared back at him in horror.

"Daemon-" she whined

'I'm kidding he didnt use those words.'' Daemon agreed hugging her to him. "He just told him he didnt like him and wanted him to back off.''

''Daemon.'' Vaera begged pathetically.

''He was nice about it.'' Daemon assured. ''Told him very seriously that he wasnt going to share you with Harwin. Like I said great judge of character our smart boy.''

Vaera pulled back as she moved to the bed and flipped the blankets back. She glanced back at that handsome smug smile on Daemons face.

''Harwin is still my friend.'' Vaera reminded him. ''He just wants to know Haemon. Is that so wrong?"

''I didnt do anything. Haemon said it. I just fully agree with Haemon. He is definitely my son thats for sure.'' Daemon remarked gleefully.

''Haemon is your son.'' Vaera agreed leaning into him. ''You raised him, kissed the boo boos better. Helped him with his anxiety when I wasn't feeling like myself. You are his father. Your seed or not Haemon is your son. There is no disputing that.'' Vaera assured him.

''Your mother had dark hair.'' Daemon remarked

''Exactly entirely possible.'' Vaera agreed. ''Your seed and genetics went haywire.'' Daemon chuckled pulling her closer.

''Thank you... for saying that.'' Daemon whispered vaera turned in his arms.

''Oh honey.'' Vaera shifted straddling him so she could see his face. ''Were you worried?'' Daemon didnt answer but he couldnt look at her. She took his face in her hands. ''Daemon I love you.''

''You loved him too once.'' Daemon remarked and Vaera nodded she did love Harwin. She still loved Harwin but it was different.

''I love you. You are my husband you have been there for me from the beginning.''

''So has he.'' Daemon countered softly.

''I love Harwin. I do.'' Vaera admitted and Daemon locked eyes on her. ''But it's different. Different from how I love you. He might have been my first real love like that but you are my true love. I know that without question or doubt in my mind.''

''True love.'' He repeated as she kissed him.

''I have never known you to be so unsure of yourself.'' Vaera remarked. ''You are always so confident.''

''I have this dream.'' Daemon admitted. ''A dream where you have all these black haired little girls running around and Im just Uncle Daemon,'' he informed her with disgust. Vaera chuckled leaning into him.

''Maybe your brain is telling you that you need a daughter.''

''A black haired daughter?'' Daemon countered his face scrunched up.

''I know since we got here... things changed a bit.'' Vaera remarked. ''Im sorry if I havent loved you properly in all the ways you deserve.''

''You got a lot on your plate.'' Daemon assured as he kissed her neck. ''We have three littles to take care of. A sworne sword to fend off-" Vaera swatted at his chest. "-possibly a kingdom to run. Its a lot.''

''Gotta make time for fun.'' Vaera assured nipping at his lips.

''Yes please,'' daemon agreed flipping her onto her back.

''I love you. I hope you dont doubt that.'' Vaera remarked as she traced a finger down his jaw. ''I love you so much.''

''I love you. Let me show you how much..."


"We have been in here too long.'' Vaera murmured.

''Not nearly long enough.'' Daemon countered kissing her shoulder his hand running along her under the water. ''You know I was thinking last night was so long go.''

''And Was what we did this morning not sufficient additions to last night?" Vaera mused and he felt her suck in a breath as his middle finger entered her.

''I was thinking,'' he repeated kissing at her neck the water sloshed threatening to spill over the bath tubs edge as he moved faster as her breathing heavies. His thumb tracing along her folds circling her clit. ''We just stay in bed all day.''

"Mama!" Haemon demanded pushing open doors. His lips twisted in confusion. He couldnt find her anywhere. "Mama! Do you not... love... me..." he rasped out as his breathing heavied.

"Hes a mamas boy.'' Vaera remarked as Daemon got up securing a towel around his waist.

"any.... Moooorrrreee..." haemon whimpered looking around tears in his eyes. "MAMA!"

"Seven hell-O," Daemon declared picking him up.

''Wheres mama?"

''In the bath.'' Daemon informed him.

''No I didnt see her.'' Haemon countered.

''Shes okay.'' Daemon assured.

''No. I need to see her.'' Haemon repeated. "Mama!" He wiggled in Daemons arms. Vaera tugged on a robe as Haemon barreled into her legs.

''Hi love.'' Vaera coed picking him up. ''Whats wrong? Baby what happened?''

''I couldnt find you.'' Haemon whimpered as she peppered his face with kisses.

''I was right here. Im so sorry honey. Whats wrong?"

''I wanted you and I couldn't find you.'' He repeated leaning into her.

''Im right here.'' Vaera assured running a hand down his back. ''What did you need baby?"

''Just you.'' He whispered.

Vaera knew that the separation anxiety was a problem but she loved that he loved her so much. She knew when he got older he wouldn't love her like this. He was still little she was going to savor all the hugs she could get until he wasnt calling her mama anymore and needing to see her first thing when he got up and the last person he saw right before he closed his eyes.

The Joker and The Queen // Daemon Targaryen // Harwin StrongWhere stories live. Discover now