48. Castles

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Vaera took a deep steadying breath as she got closer and closer, she didn't know why she was nervous. They were her family. But she was gone almost four years...

"Princess?" Criston asked looking to Vaera. "What are you-" He looked at the kids. Three kids. Haemon stared back at him as he clung to Vaera's legs.

"Criston... is Nyra or my father around?" Vaera asked moving past him.

"Where did you go?" Criston asked following after her.

"Go?" Vaera mused. "I'm going to find my father."

"Princess..." Criston didnt know what to say. 

"Can you fetch them for me, I think Vhae and Rhae are a bit tired. I think they need a nap after the flight." Vaera offered. "I will be in my chambers, I assume they are as they once were?"

"Yes, of course. The king wouldnt change a thing." Criston agreed. 


Daemon slid off Caraxes back, his feet landing with determination. 

"Casterly rock..." Daemon murmured. "This is... a piss poor excuse for a castle." Daemon remarked as he got closer. 

"My prince-"

"Where is the cunt named Tyon?" Daemon asked as he kept walking. 

"Ummm." The woman stared back at him. 

"I will find him." Daemon assured. If I were Tyon, where would I hide... Daemon mused looking around. Servants and knights bowed before him. The silver hair made him stick out no matter where he went. It was a blessing and curse at times. 

"YOUR PRINCE IS HERE!" Daemon declared pushing open the tower door. The woman Tyon was currently on top of pulled the sheets up and scurried back, knees to her chest. "Tsk, tsk, Tyon."

"Pr-Prince Daemon." Tyon said nervously as he rose and Daemon opened his mouth but a cackle escaped him. 

"Gods!" Daemon laughed out "What is that?" Daemon asked pointing at Tyon's miniscule cock. Tyon looked down at himself. "What even... are you even a man?" Daemon said through laughs. "Oh you poor woman." Daemon said his gaze shifting. 

"What are you doing here?" Tyon said grabbing a pillow and covering himself awkwardly. 

"Well I married Vaera." Daemon told him. 

"Who?" Tyon asked and Daemon rolled his eyes letting out a scoff as he moved the room. 

"Vaera Targaryen. Wonderful, gorgeous woman, my wife." Daemon told him. 

"What does that have to do with me?" Tyon countered. 

"You see, I could ask my brother the king to annul your marriage but... my way is better."

"You can have her!" Tyon declared dropping the pillow as he moved farther back. Tyrion to escape Daemon. 

"I do have her." Daemon corrected. "You know..." Daemon stopped spinning his blade in his hand, Tyon's hands covered himself as the woman rushed out dragging sheets with her. "I was going to take your manhood before, but I dont think you would feel it."


"I have things to do, so lets just be done with it." Daemon remarked, Tyon opened his mouth to object but his head came clean off. "Valyrain steel. A clean cut." Daemon said as Tyon bleed across the floor. "They can stitch you back together, but I dont see why they would want to." 


"VAERA!" Viserys had never been so happy in his life.

"Hi daddy," Vaera clung to him. "I missed you." she whispered tears in her eyes. She didn't realize how much she missed him until she was back here. 

"I missed you so much." Viserys told her bringing a hand to her cheek. "My baby is so grown." 

"Your baby has a few babies." Vaera remarked. Viserys looked past her to the newly added crib and then down to Haemon clinging to her leg. 

"Oh, hello handsome." Viserys said crouching before Haemon. Haemon ducked his head into Vaera. 

"Haemon, this is your grandsire... can you say hello love?" Vaera coed picking him up. Haemon waved a hand as he vaera picked him up but hid his face in her neck. "He's a bit shy with new people." Vaera remarked. 

"Daemon..." Viserys began. 

"I dont love Tyon, Daddy. I love Daemon." Vaera informed him. "We wed in the valyrian ways and-" she turned around. "-we had twins just over a year ago. Haemon can you tell Grandpa how old you are?'' Haemon looked to Vaera and she nodded encouragingly. He shifted in her arms to look at Viserys. He held up five fingers.

"This many!" Haemon told him

 "No, you silly." Vaera told him. He held up two fingers. 

"This many?" Haemon asked and Vaera added a finger. "This many." Haemon said confidently. 

"Wow, three years old." Viserys said fondly. "Perfect just like your mama." Haemon nodded leaning his head into Vaera again. 

"Daemon is so perfect with them." Vaera told him. "Where is Nyra?" 

"She is on her first. Due this moon." Viserys told her. 

"Oh thats great!" Vaera declared. "I wanted to get the twins in bed after the ride, they slept in the clouds but they were still tired."

"Where is Daemon?" 

"He is..." Vaera's lips twisted debating that. "Haemon you want to see your auntie Nyra?" Vaera asked instead. 

"Vaera love, you look so happy." Viserys remarked as they walked. 

"I am daddy. I'm really happy." Vaera couldnt stop her gaze from shifting down the halls looking for Harwin. She knew she shouldnt, she loved Daemon but still she wanted to see him, let him meet Haemon. 

"Alicent is pregnant again." Viserys remarked. 

"Oh..." Alicent was still alive and breathing, what a shame. Forgot about her while over seas. "That's nice." Vaera offered. "How are Aegon and Helaena?"

"Aemond as well." Viesrys remarked. 


"If you ravened me more love you would know you have another brother." Viserys remarked. 

"I did raven." Vaera corrected. 

"But ravening is not the same as seeing my baby girl." Viserys countered pulling her closer. 

"Aemond you say?" Vaera asked. 

"Yes, we should have spoken names." Viserys mused. "With all these -mons running around as are going to get confused. Daemon, Haemon, Aemond."

"Who picked Aemond?" Vaera asked. "The name?" 

"I did." Viserys remarked and Vaera chuckled. "What?" 

"You know Aemond is Daemon with the D flipped." Vaera remarked. 

"I didnt think about it like that." Viserys remarked. "But of course you would." 

"He is my husband." 

"How did you pick Haemon?"

"I liked that it sounded like Daemon." Vaera offered. Not to mention that his true bloodline was Strong and Harwin could have that littlest connection knowing that H, was for him...


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