58. Secret Cookie Mission

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Cookies were displayed beautifully but Vaera's stomach was in knots.

"Congratulations Princess."

"Thank you." Vaera answered softly.

"Congratulations Princess."

"Thank you." Vaera whimpered out. 'Daemon...' vaera whispered.

''Hey its okay gorgeous.'' Daemon coed holding her face gently in his hands. ''Its okay. You were born for this.''

''Daemon. I never wanted a crown.  Im not like you. Im not like Nyra.'' She whimpered trying to be brave but with every congratulatory statement she felt more and more like her brain was going to explode.

''I'm right here.'' Daemon assured ''i'm going to help you through it all. When the time comes. Im going to help you with this too, gorgeous. I'm right here, always." Daemon assured kissing her. "What do you need?"

"A drink." Vaera requested.

"I will be right back." Daemon informed her, kissing her again.

"Vaera, Ser Harwin Strong has requested to be your sworn sword." Viserys remarked and Vaera looked to Harwin.

"Thank you Harwin." Vaera whispered.

"I thought you like that." Viserys agreed. "You two were close when you were younger." Vaera nodded swallowing the lump in her throat. Harwin held back a laugh as he looked at Vaera's blushing face. Viserys kissed her cheek before turning to make his rounds.

"Thank you, Harwin." Vaera repeated.

"Always going to protect my little love." Harwin assured placing a kiss on her hand. Her eyes followed his as he locked eyes with her as his lips met her hand. Her hand fell limp at her side when he let her go. "I will let you get back to your adoring patrons." Harwin remarked nodding to the lords and Ladies all wanting to congratulate Vaera.

"Thank you, Harwin." Vaera couldnt find anything else to say as he watched him take a step back.

"Congratulations Princess."

"Thank... you." Vaera whispered forcing a smile.

"I think my wife is tired." Daemon remarked handing her a drink, she drank it down. "Big day today-"

"Nonsense, so much fun to be had." Alicent offered. But she knew Vaera wasnt feeling like herself because she didnt have a sassy comment, just a distance in her eyes.

"Worry about your children, your husband." Daemon suggested leading Vaera away, he grabbed the glass from her hand and threw it over his shoulder.

"Dae-" Vaera began but he kissed her.

"It's fine." Daemon assured as she leaned into him.

"Mama," Haemon whispered running up with a cloth napkin stuffed to the brim. He looked around a mischievous look on his little face. "I got the cookies." He whisper shouted up at her. "Lets rock and roll!" Vaera choked out a laugh as Haemon tried to be sneaky and maneuver through the people like a spy on a secret cookie stealing mission.

"You heard him, let's rock and roll." Daemon agreed, a hand on her back as Haemon maneuvered around holding the cookie bundle in one hand and the other outstretched moving people out of the way.

"Oh my goodness." Vaera giggled out watching Haemon.

"Come on mama!" Haemon declared once they were in the hall and he ran arms out like he was flying. He stopped and turned back to Daemon and Vaera. "Do it right." Haemon encouraged Vaera held her arms out like Haemon. "Dada?"

"Yes, this is how I expected tonight to go." Daemon agreed extending his arms as well.

"Ready?" Haemon asked turning back around. "GO!" Vaera was laughing the entire run back to their chambers. "Okay, I got them all." Haemon remarked opening the cookie bundle. "They are a bit... crumbly." Haemon said, his lips twisting. "I can go back." Haemon offered.

"Crumbly cookies are my favorite." Vaera declared. "Because then you can try every flavor." She picked up a piece and popped it in her mouth. "Thank you Haemon."

"You are welcome." Haemon agreed leaning forward and giving her a kiss.

"Thank you Daemon." Vaera whispered leaning into him.

"You are welcome." Daemon agreed kissing her shoulder as she got situated between his legs.

"Should I see if Vhae and Rhae want cookies?" Haemon asked.

"I think they should be sleeping." Vaera countered.

"Tomorrow then." Haemon remarked.

"Good idea." Vaera agreed.

They fell asleep, cookie crumbs over the bed, candles burned to nothing, Vaera still in her sparkly gown, Haemon and Daemon still in their best suits. Haemon's feet ended up in Daemons face the next morning and Vaera was curled in a ball like a cat tucked into Daemon's side.

The light streamed in through the window and Daemon rolled Haemon off his chest and Haemon sprawled out over Vaera contently.

"Heavy baby." Vaera groaned rolling to her back. "Hi baby." Vaera declared tickling Haemon's stomach.

"I was sleeping!" Haemon told her through giggles.

"On top of me?" Vaera countered.

"You were comfy I guess." Haemon agreed.

"Hi," Daemon rasped as Haemon stole the blankets curling up next to Vaera. "I see the new continent still didn't change the fact that you two are not morning people." Daemon remarked.

"What even is morning?" Haemon remarked.

"We stayed up late." Vaera countered. "Stressful moon. Close the curtains and come back to bed." Vaera instructed sharing the blanket Haemon stole from her as they covered their heads.

"Yes your majesty!'

The Joker and The Queen // Daemon Targaryen // Harwin StrongWhere stories live. Discover now