03 | How the Hell do you get Gifts

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December 20th

Dallas Pov

"Dally, what are we doing here?" Johnny asked me as i entered a store. "I haven't got her a gift yet." i told him, he rolled his eyes. "I haven't got Ginny a gift yet either." He stated, shoving his hands in his pockets. "Youre still talkin' to that Red Head?" i asked him, he nodded. "Jesus."

"What do you think she would like?" I asked him, he rolled his eyes. "She's your girlfriend Dal, i think you should know." he sassed me. I swear, ever since he's been hanging out with Virginia he's been more and more sassier. Somebody humble this boy.

"Just get her something with like an American flag on it." he shrugged, i looked at him with a scowl. "Do i look like a fag to you?" I asked quickly. "Yes," he replied. I turned to face him quickly, he jumped. "Jesus christ, im kidding Dal." he told me. "Good."

Quincey POV

"Oh my god, He did what?" I laughed as i got a glass of water from the Curtis's kitchen. Andromeda and I were the only ones here, we were having a good time. "I'm serious. When he was a kid, he won the spellin bee four years in a row." he laughed with me. She pulled a picture out of her wallet and held it up for me to see. He had a certificate and everything. It was hilarious.

"Oh my god, look at his smile." I pointed to his pearly whites in the blurry picture. "Yeah, he was 9 in this." she took it back and put it back in her wallet. "He was a real charmer back then. He was a funny ass kid." she leaned back on the couch while sighing. God I liked her, she was nice.

Dallas POV

"Dally," Johnny threw his head back and groaned. "Shut up." i told him. Yes i was bein indecisive on what to get my girlfriend, but she's a very particular person. You cant just get her anything, it has to be extremely special.

The bell in the store rang and Johnny laughed, and a girl laughed. Oh god. Virgin girl is here. "What're you doing here?" she asked as she pulled back from Johnny and looked at me. "None of your business." i mumbled under my breath so she couldnt hear me. "Dally's trying to pick out a gift for his girlfriend." Johnny laughed, "oh my god?! You mean like the badass Fighter Pilot girl?" her jaw was dropped with a smile. I let out a small laugh. "Yeah, my girl's pretty badass."

"Dally we have like five days." Johnny pulled my jacket sleeve. I gave in, going towards the door with him. Except something caught my eye. The silver sparkle of the jewelry case.

"Dal," Johnny cut himself off. I was looking at a silver band with a few small diamonds in it. No thought behind it, i just thought it was nice looking. "Holy shit." Johnny stated, looking up at me. "Dal, are you seriously thinking about marrying her?" he asked a bit quietly. Yes. Yes, I did want to marry her. I wanted to spend the rest of my fucking life with her.

"Nah Johnnycakes, its too early." i shrugged it off and was the first one to walk out the door. Johnny and Ginny followed with a slightly shocked look on their stupid faces. I was also left in confusion. Stupid ass kid.

Quincey POV

"Oh god, youre still here." Ponyboy sarcastically rolled his eyes and walked past me. I stuck my foot out to trip him, which surprisingly worked. I always knew this kid was clumsy, but not like this. Idiot kid.

"Are you okay?" I asked, laughing as I leaned down to see if he was okay. "I think you gave me a fucking concussion." he moaned and rolled side to side dramatically. "You're gonna give me a damn brain aneurysm." he rolled to the left while clutching his head.

"Stop being a drama queen." i gave him a light kick to the ass, which made him scream out in agony and clench his ass. Andi and I immediately started laughing our asses off, Horsey Kid could definitely be a comedian if he wanted too.

"Oh god, what'd you do." Darry came through the door and set down his hammer or whatever to see his kid brother on the floor. "Quinn is beating me up." he said, ass clenched and hands on head. "Stop being a pussy and beat her back." He pointed at the kid and laughed, so did i.

Dallas and Johnny walked threw the door, arguing about something i couldnt really understand. I walked up and put my arms around his neck, which he then pulled me in for a kiss. "Guess what?" i asked while looking him in the eyes. "What?" he parted his lips a bit and looked me in the eyes. "I know you took Karate for five years." "ANDROMEDA"

"I am so mad at you." he pointed a finger at his sister sarcastically. Andi laughed and pointed a finger back at him. "Im mad at you too." she used his words against him. "Youre so mean." He smiled and sat down on the couch, i sat beside him.

Johnny and a redhead passed us, talking about something i didnt really care about. "Woah," i stood up and looked at the girl. "Johnny? You got a girl?" i asked, looking at his face, which was blushing like a madman now. "Yeah, uhh, this is Viginia." he said awkwardly. "Uhh, Ginny this is Quinn." i swear this girls mouth dropped to the floor.

"So youre like the really cool. Navy pilot idiot over there never shuts up about." she stated, looking at Dallas when she referred to idiot. "Yeah, i guess so." i shrugged. "Dally i thought you was lyin' about her." she said as she took a seat beside Johnny. I laughed.

After all of us had eaten dinner that Darry so kindly prepared, Dally wanted to leave as soon as possible. "Alright, see you guys later." he stated as he opened the door. Two Bit reached into his pocket for something, "Aye Dally." he threw the object at him, Dallas caught it. It was a fucking condom. Fucking asshole. "Thanks Two, means a lot." Dallas sarcastically said, stuffing the object in his pocket.

I kicked the snow on the ground, making is raise up and get on Dallas's jeans. "Youre making my jeans get all wet!" he complained dramatically. "Cmon Dallas, have some fun." I turned around and looked him in the eyes, you could see that spark of happiness in them. I like it.

"Have fun aye?" he kept walking towards me, his pace slowly getting faster. "Yeah, fun." i smiled and picked up my pace a bit. Dallas suddenly started sprinting towards me, i guess that morning routine was coming in handy now. I could outrun him anyday.

"Dallas zero, Quincey one!" i exclaimed as i stopped running, Dallas was heaved over out of breath. "Thats not fair." he pointed a finger at me with on hand still on his knee. "Whats not fair?" i walked up to him with a smile. "You." he said, putting his hand back down on his knee.

Out of nowhere, he grabbed my torso and slung me over his shoulder. "I'm still stronger than you." he looked at me with the corner of his eye. "You're Not fair." I repeated his words. He laughed a bit.

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