19 | Naval Weddings

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Guns N' Roses, Kiss and Def Leppard are the style of the reception. No other music, except for the singular slow song that Two is gonna tease us about for the rest of our lives. Just that one damn song. If we get it, it is a party after all.

Everything was white and Navy blue, even the cutlery matched the setting. Charlie had forced the Navy to give up one of their locations for a wedding, and they gave us the nicest one. How great is that?

We sat down at the Mr. and Mrs. table, which I was sitting by Charlie and Dally was sitting by Johnny. Dallas was in charge of the food option, and let's just say he didn't disappoint. He chose Old style Texas barbeque. He also added in some NY style cheesecake. That was the best part.

"Quincey," he grabbed my hand from under the table, and I looked at him. No one was really paying attention to us yet, maybe that was a good thing. "I want you to meet someone," he said nervously. I nodded and got up, following him to wherever this person was.

We walked up to this old couple, they looked like they belonged in the mob of New York City. The woman had white hair styled similar to Marilyn Monroe's, and the man wore a dark black three piece suit with a chain on it. He looked a lot like Dallas, but not now. He looked like a Dally that never got out of the hood.

"Mom," he didn't address the man, who I'm now guessing is his father. "This is Quincey Bradshaw, my wife." hearing those words just made me feel weird. The white haired lady smiled and shook my hand. The man didn't really do anything, just stared at me weirdly.

His mom left to go get a glass of champagne, so it was just us two and his father. "So youre the Navy Pilot aye?" his father put out the 50's cigar and looked at me. "I am." I straightened my posture and looked him in the eye. "How does it feel to have more balls than my son?" he asked. I could tell Dally was hurt by the comment, it was obvious.

"Sir, if i may, what balls do you have? I mean, i dont think being in a mafia is an upper hand," i said, defending Dallas. "How could you tell?" he asked. "You're wearing a pinstripe suit to an event that has a black dress pant and button up dress code. You just got done smoking a case of Mary Blair cigars, and you did not address me like a man with respect, meaning I have to show you some first. So i stand by my statement." i said firmly, he chuckled.

"Dallas, you got a smart one, hope she's a freak in the sheets." he looked over to his son, i slapped him across the face. Dallas's eyes widened. "Mr. Winson, i'd like you to leave." I said, not getting mad yet. He smiled and laughed before raising a fist and giving me a mild smack for myself, now that's when things got interesting.

Dallas lunged at his father, but I stopped him. "You silly girl, you think I'd leave my own son's wedding?" he asked. "You act as if I'm intimidated by you, you're wrong. May I remind you that I've fought in the cold war and was stranded in a Soviet camp for three years? A tap on the face ain't shit to me. So i'll ask you again, sir, leave my damn venue." i told him more sternly this time.

"You're really gonna let your wife disrespect me like this?" he asked Dally, he didn't say anything. I slugged him across the face and put him in a choke hold. "Dal, go get Kazansky." i told him. He nodded and walked away. "Mr. Winston, it was lovely meeting you, i really wished we got off on the right foot. But now you'll be going to a county prison for public assault, trespassing and damage of property. Ill love seeing you in court." i said to him.

Kazansky grabbed the thin man's legs and we heaved him out of the building and into the cop car I had wanted here unless Matt came and started shit. Lucky to have it, I really didn't feel like missing out on this song. Bon Jovi is one of my recent favorites.

"Who's that?" Kazansky asked as we watched the car go to the police station. "My dad." Dallas stated, unimpressed with what he did. We all sat there, looking at the dusty horizon a bit, watching the golden yellow color fall into a deep red. "Reminds me of Matt, just a little more Abraham Lincoln lookin'." I cracked the joke, making them all laugh their asses off.

The whole party was fun. There wasnt any slow dance, but Dal and I did have a little dance off at the end when we were both wasted as fuck. It was a dream come true. It was everything I wanted it to be. Even if Dallas's dad did show up and hit me, it was still fun. It brought the fire back out in some ways. We both had fire, and it definitely came out tonight.

We did catch Steve and Charlie makin' out at one of the tables, it was hilarious. Soda brought his girl and i guess Two Bit will become a science teacher by showing off his periodic table skills at one of bars, naming every single element. It was fun. Everyone was happy, everyone was being themselves, and you had to drink a little. Bradshaw always has fun. Its the number one rule.

And Dallas took my last name.

Dallas Tucker Bradshaw, nice ring, right?

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