10 | Impulsive decisions

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Quincey Bradshaw

90 minutes later

"What's that?" I asked as we flew over a large white tent. "Don't know, don't care. Keep flying." Kazansky said, paying attention to the radios. "What if they're refugees?" I asked, they all looked at me as if I was crazy. "I'm going down there."

"Quincey do not go down there." Viper told me, I just flipped him off. "They need our help. Why should we go and not them?" I asked, lowering the plane. "Because we can come back for them." Maverick said, but I was already landing the plane once they said that.

The plane came to a stop and I was the first one out, the three of them stayed in the running plane. God this place was a mess. Anyone who is forced to stay here has a special place in heaven.

A woman came running out of the tent, she was crying and holding her hands like she was praying. "Please." She begged, leaning over to hold me hands. "Save my children." She cried. Just seeing a person like this could change you.

"These men," she cried, pulling me to the side of the tent, looking through the hole there. Two Soviet soldiers stood with machine guns in front of four children. And they were American. The mother had an American accent. Where they like us too.

"We were in Germany, Visiting my mother," she said quietly while sobbing. "They just took us. Please, help us," she held my hands and I nodded. "How many are there?" I asked, she sighed with relief. "There's only two now, but more are coming soon." She replied. I nodded and went at it, my gun at the ready.

As the fabric dramatically moved, the soldiers cocked their guns at me. I shot. I shot one twice and the other three times, but they were still alive, just inacpable of moving. They were still one moment, then dead.

"Cmon, quickly." I told the four cowering children that were in the corner. These were the only people here. Nobody else. Just them and a bunch of black tables with white table cloths.

"I'm a good guy, hurry," I told them, and they got up and started running outside with their mother. I opened up the back of the plane and helped them in. They were all crying and scared. I mean who wouldn't be scared? Who knows how long they were there.

"Seriously?" Kazansky asked as I got into the pilot's seat. "They're American." I said, looking at him. "We still don't know if they're good." Viper explained, I looked back at him. "They're fucking crying and praying. I don't think they're a threat." I sneered. He rolled his eyes and backed off.


"Mav, Viper, wanna let Ice and I get rest?" I asked, looking back at them. They nodded and we switched seats. Kazansky immediately went to sleep, but I wanted to check on the family.

I walked to the back of the plane and saw the four children sleeping by their mother who had her arms around them. She saw me coming and immediately wiped her tears, giving me a slight smile which I returned.

"Thank you so much for doing this," she was still crying but not as hard. "You don't know how much this means for us," more tears dropped from her eyes. I kneeled down to come eye level to her, god I felt bad.

"The men there, they were horrible to my little girls." She stated, starting to explain the hideous actions that took place at that white tent. I listened to every part of this woman's story, it was heartbreaking.

"What's your name, dear?" She asked after explaining everything. Her son was up and her daughter was sitting up listening to every word her mom said. "Quincey Bradshaw. But you can call me goose, it's my callsign." I smiled at her.

"Callsign? Air Force?" She asked, I laughed and shook my head. "Navy." She smiled at my words. "I've never seen a young lady like you fly, how old are you?" She asked. I paused at her questions for a long time. She looked at me funny, like a fish in the mud.

"I don't know how old I am."


"Bradshaw, get your ass up here, captain wants to talk to you." Viper yelled. I got up and walked up to the front of the plane. "Sir?" I said into the mic. "Kazansky tells me you brought a family with you? Do you know how dangerous that is?" Oh my fucking god.

"Her name is Mary Adler, she's been here for six months. She said she has been in contact with the U.S. twice, she should be on some kind of list." I told the captain. "Let's see," he replied back. I waited for a response.

"I see her. But do you realize what you could have done? You could have brought bad to this country." He said to me, I rolled my eyes. "Considering I was in a slave camp for the past however long, I think there's a lot of bad people there." I said into the mic. He just sighed dramatically

"You're twenty minutes from landing. Once you're here, we need you for questioning. You're the only ones returning home. The others didn't." I nodded, eight of my friends had died. What great news.

I don't even remember some of their real names. I don't want to think about that. All I want to do right now is go home. I want to be home, hug my mother. Hug Dally. Tell them how much I missed them. That's all I want. 

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