15 | Charlie Baby!

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A week later

Quincey Bradshaw

"Let me see the damn thing!" My mother happily ran over to me with her hands waving and a huge smile on her face. I held my hand out and she looked at it closely while admiring it. "He's a real keeper, ya know? He had this custom made." She told me. That made me feel better.

"Okay, we need to start planning." She said, getting a couple books from shelves and a notebook. "Mom, you don't have to," she silenced me. "We are going to dammit." She said, "You need to have the absolute perfect wedding, just because I had a shitty one with Matt don't mean you have to have one like that too."

"Okay, the basics." We've been sitting here for four hours. "Bridesmaids." She said, Let's think of Dallas: five friends and a ring bearer, five groomsmen. Okay. five bridesmaids. "Andi, Ginny, Chris, and.." I trailed off. We both know what we're thinking. We all do.


"Mom do you have-" she cut me off. "Quinn, are you sure you want Charlie to be there?" She asked. "I've known her for what? 24 years? Yes of course." I said. She got up and walked to the phone and dialed the ten digits. Charlie's digits.

She handed the phone to me, it kept buzzing. And buzzing. I'm sure she isn't going to answer, she's not. Maybe it's a bad time? Who knows?

"Charlotte Blackwood speaking." Oh god, I missed that voice. Even if she was at base right now.

"Charlie?" I asked through the phone.

"Quinn?" She asked, her voice getting excited.

"Oh my god, it's been what? 7 years?" I asked, she laughed.

"I actually was at your Ceremony, so about a month." She said awkwardly.

"You should've said hi, we seriously have to catch up on so much." I sighed, I could feel her smile through the phone.

"I'm actually goin' to Las Vegas in a couple days for family, we could meet up somewhere?" She asked. My smile slowly faded.

"Oh uhm, I live in Tulsa now, that's why I left actually. Some basic training and well, my mom was gettin' married." I said.

"Really? I would've thought you'd be gettin' married to Antonio by now." She laughed. Oh god. Not Toni the nerd.

"Speaking of gettin' married, that's actually why I called you," I said into the phone, my voice gettin' serious now. "I am gettin' married actually."

"I want you to be my bridesmaid," I told her, she basically squealed through the phone.

"Of course? When is it, you need to give me your number." She said. That made my whole entire fucking week.

"Okay, it happened just last night so not for a couple months. At least." I calmed her down.

"Okay, I'll fly out to Tulsa for a few days, meet your friends and stuff, then go back to base and come back for your wedding, okay?" She asked. God this is why I love her.

"Yeah of course that's okay! When you comin'?" I asked.

"Uhm, I'll be there by the first of april." She said, I nodded. "See ya then, Charlie." I smiled. "See ya Goosie."

Then we both hung up.

"SHE'S COMIN'!" I practically screamed like a little girl, which made my mom scream with joy too. Everybody likes Charlie. She can't be hated. Plus she likes the guys like Steve, maybe he'll actually land someone that doesn't screw him over like Evie.

"Bridesmaids, Charlie, Andi, Ginny, and Chrissy." My mom concluded. I nodded. "Have you thought about your dress at all?" She asked, I laughed. "Ma, we'd probably get married in November. Im goin back to base in a week." She nodded and smiled. "I'm just so happy my daughter is gettin' married. Your father would be proud." Shes right. He would.

"Ahh, Quinn let's see what you got on your hand," Two Bit teased as Dally and I walked down the sidewalk with the gang. A drive in in January, who knew?

"Dal I thought you'd never do it." Darry told him, he rolled his eyes and brought me closer to him. Johnny was walking right beside us, smiling up at Dallas and they kept kicking each other on the shins as they walked. It was extremely funny.

"So, when do you go back to Cali?" Steve asked. "I'm stationed here in Tulsa for now, I graduated from the TopGun program." I said. I knew Steve was the only one who knew what I was talking about, so they all nodded in response.

The drive in was the same as it's always been. A few doc lookin' people were giving us dirty looks, was the rivalry still goin on? After what happened to the Sheldon kid? Man these people never fucking learn do they? They were about 20 years old by their looks.

"I'll be right back," I said, getting up from my seat. "Want me to go with ya?" Dally asked. "You don't have to." I shrugged, stepping over the chair and going to get a coke, but we all know what I'm really doin.

Startin action.

"If it isn't the Bradshaw kid!" One of them exclaimed loudly. I turned around with a smile and faced them. "I ain't a kid no more," I said, looking eye to eye with the man. "My dad says you fought in the war?" He asked, I leaned against a post and nodded. This dude was lookin for a fight.

"What'd you do? Fuck the general to let you free?" I laughed at his statement, then swung at his face. He stumbled backwards and put a hand over his bloody nose. "MAN DOES THAT FEEL GOOD!" I yelled, feeling my knuckles slightly bleeding.

The kid ran away, I got my coke with a smile on my face and back to Dally. I handed him the coke and he took a drink, then looked at the cup. "There's blood on this?" He wiped it off, then looked at my hands.

"Q no you didn't." He looked at me. "He was being a dick, not my fault." I defended myself. He rolled his eyes and looked at my knuckles. "How hard did you hit him?" He asked. "Hard enough." I shrugged. He laughed and sat back into his seat. "Got my Q back."

He sure did. 

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