13 | Painted Scars

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Quincey Bradshaw

"Fucking scum," I hissed at the general. "What'd you say American?" He asked me. "Fucking Soviet Scum." I repeated myself. "Say it again." He taunted. "FUCKING SOVIET SCUM!" I screamed at him, spitting in his face.

"American idiot."

"Soviet scum."

"Soviet fucking scum"

"American Fucking idiot."

I woke up, drenched in sweat. I can't move. I'm paralyzed. I can move my eyes, Dally is safe beside me, but on the other side is the Soviet general. He's coming for me. He's looking at me with a knife in his hand. His one eyed self is coming to kill me.

He's going to kill me and Dallas. We have to move. His men are right outside the door, armed with guns and grenades. He's going to kill us. He's going to kill Dallas. He's going to slit our throats in our sleep.

Dallas Winston

"DALLY!" Were the words I woke to in the middle of the night. She was grabbing my hand and looking at me with sweat dripping down her forehead. Her eyes were big, scared even. She was scared right now.

"Dally, he's coming," she told me, her hands shaking as she said that. I turned on the lamp on the nightstand and sat up, facing her. She looked at the other side of the bed and stumbled backwards towards the closet door, falling as she did. Man she really got fucked up.

I quickly got up and turned on the light, then kneeled down to face her. "Baby, no one's coming," I said softly, looking her in her eyes. They were scared and tears were streaming down her cheeks. "Yes he is," she told me, trying to back into the door more. "He's behind you." She said, I didn't look back. No one was behind me.

"Look at me," I moved her chin so we made eye contact. "No one's here. No one's coming." I grabbed her hand and tried to help her up, she got up hesitantly and grabbed my shoulders for support. "Are you okay?" I asked her, she nodded.

I went to my dresser and pulled out another t-shirt for her. "Can I," she caught her breath. "Take a shower real quick?" She asked. Why was she asking? She could use anything here. "Yeah, I opened the bathroom door for her and she walked in.

While walking back to my bed, I waited for her. Who was "he"? Who was she talking about? Was it someone she worked with? Did she go to war with him? It was an enemy, someone she hated. She looked terrified, this person must have done some hideous things.

"Q, you alright?" I asked after twenty minutes. She didn't answer for a second, "yeah I'm alright." She replied back softly. She had calmed down a lot. "Can I come in?" I asked, she opened the door and I walked in. She was in shorts and a bra. Her curly hair was wavy and she was looking into the mirror.

"I'm sorry." She said, looking at me. I hugged her from behind and kissed her on the cheek. "I ain't mad." I kissed her again. "You just scared me." I said. Her eyes suddenly got glossy and she turned into me, resting her head against my chest. I put my arms around her and rocked her back and forth.

"I don't want to scare you." She said into my chest, I rubbed her back and continued to listen. "I feel like I'm going insane." She said, I didn't respond. I just want her to be alright and comfortable. That's the most important thing to me right now.

"You'll be okay." I mumbled, still hugging her. We went back to bed and she turned her back towards me so she wouldn't be sleeping on her bad shoulder. I threw my arm around her and kissed her neck. "You know I love you, right?" I asked her, she smiled and looked back at me. "I know." She didn't say it back, but that was enough for me.

Throughout the night she was fidgety, but she didn't wake up again. She started sweating randomly and her6 breathing was speeding up and slowing down over and over again. I almost thought she was having a heart attack.

I got some sleep, but I couldn't help but worry about her. Can you believe it? Dallas Winston worrying about somebody? I mean who wouldn't worry about her? She didn't know how old she was or the date.

I finally drifted off to sleep, hoping nothing would happen. I know my arm is securely around her, she didn't seem bothered by it. My eyelids slowly closed and I fell asleep into a cold dark hole. 

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