04 | They all Know

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Quincey Bradshaw

"What do you even think he would like?" I asked the older Winston. She laughed in response. "Isn't he your boyfriend?" She asked as she messed with hats in the store. I rolled my eyes. "Get him something to do with a plane." Ginny shrugged from behind me. I rolled my eyes.

As we were leaving the store, a switchblade caught my eye. Yeah, Dally had 3836737282 blades, yeah this would be one more to his collection, yeah it's not original but whatever. I didn't get it, but I did get him a chain with a cross on it.

Virginia got Johnny a book or some kind, I never knew he read. Andi got Darrel something that I don't remember, it was overall a good four hours.

Dally POV

The gang was looking at me really weird. All six of them were eyeing me out of the corner of their eyes. It was really freaking me out. I just sat on the couch awkwardly, holding a can of soda in my hands.

"What?" I finally asked. "We know." Steve replied quickly. "Know what?" What the hell are they even talking about? "Cmon Dally." Soda smiled and got up to go to the kitchen. "Johnny told us everything." Told everyone what????

"You wanna marry her dont ya?" Soda came back with a can of coke. "Huh?" I looked at Johnny who was frozen. "I'm just sayin," Steve started out, looking directly at me. "I'll know if you hurt her. I've known her for 18 years." He said to me, Where was this even coming from?

"Where is this even coming from?" I asked, fumbling with my hands a bit. Two Bit let out a small laugh. "Cmon Dal, you can't date her forever." He said. I rolled my eyes. "I can do whatever I want." I mumbled while getting off the couch and walking out the door. God they pissed me off sometimes.

Quincey POV

I saw Dallas walk out of the Curtis house, his hands showed in his pockets as he did. He walked up to me, Andi and Ginny left with a few small giggles. I rolled my eyes.

He kissed me the second he got close enough, then pulled back. "Couldn't wait for me could ya?" I asked, he rolled his eyes. "I wanna take you out for dinner, 7 okay?" He put a hand around my waist. "Okay. Where are we going?" I asked. "Suprise. Wear something nice." He gave me a second kiss and left. He left me in the reddest state I could be in. 

I walked through my door to my house, greeted with my mother and Matthew having a mild argument. I shouldn't be surprised, I really shouldn't. I remember what it was like a couple years ago, how I used to be. How Matt used to be. He hasn't changed.

I walked to my room, my mom waved at me as I did. Chris was playing some kind of music in her room, my music. That made me smile. I knocked on her door.

"What do you want?" She asked sarcastically with a smile. "You're good at this. I need something to wear for a date." I pulled her into my room and to my closet. I swear her mouth dropped to the floor.

"Okay, so like fancy-fancy or just fancy?" She asked. I shrugged. "Fancy I guess." I answered. She flipped through the clothes once again and sighed. "You have like nothing here. It's all replicas of the same thing." She told me. Rude ass.

"You were always into the girly shit." I defended my blue jeans and button ups. "That reminds me." She stated as she walked out of my room to go grab something. I laid down on my bed, waiting.

Something landed on me a second later, Chris had an approving look on her face. I sat up and looked at the thing in front of me. My face dropped in horror. "Absolutely not."

"Yes." She shoved it into me. "Put it on." She told me. "I'll look like a hooker in this??" I protested. She smiled and crossed her arms. "For the record, you always said hookers are hot plus you were a whore before you met Dally sooo," she deadpanned. I rolled my eyes. She wasn't wrong.

I shut my door in her face and changed into the dress, it was tight and fell right above my knees. I'm guessing this was a dress that was too big for her, considering she's like 5' 4" and a litterial twig. But whatever.

I opened the door and showed her the outfit. "Oh my god! You look so good!" She put her hands up and squealed. "Are you serious?" I asked her. "Yes. I'm jealous." She walked into my room and started going through my shoes.

"Why are you a litterial man?" She sighed. "What?" I asked. "All you wear are boots and high top converse. There's like no heels in here." She said, "I'm almost six foot, why would I need heels?" I asked. She rolled her eyes. "To look hot of course!?"

"Wait." She stated. "What?" I asked, fixing the dress strap. "What size of shoe do you wear?" She asked. "12 I think?" I honestly don't remember. "I'll be right back." Oh god.

"Okay, I feel like this is more you." She held up a sparkly red jumpsuit and a short pair of heels. "You're so Right." I gladly took it from her and locked her out of my room.

"Okay that's so much better." She said while looking at me. "Now we gotta do your hair." She stated. I rolled my eyes. I hate this part.

"No no no. You gotta wet it down first." I told her as she picked up the comb. "I don't want to go bald because of you." I added, she rolled her eyes. "Okay you do your honkie Dorie shit first, then I'll help you." She set my things down and left my room. I'm thankful.

After my hair was all frizzy, then wet, then stupid looking, Chris came back into my room and smiled. "So what do you want?" She asked. "This is your area of expertise you decide." I told her. "Okay boss." She smiled. 

"Can I do your makeup?" She asked excitedly. I raised my eyebrows. "No." I started quickly. "Too bad. I'm still doing it." She walked out of my room and I groaned. Do all girls seriously spend this much time getting ready? If so, I have high respect for them.

"Okay, close your eyes." She started after putting cream stuff on my face. "Don't make me look like a rodeo clown." I told her. She giggled. "You already look like one." I smiled at her sarcasm.

"Oh my god, why does it actually look good?" I asked as I looked at myself in the mirror. "Ya know, if you weren't some Navy Pilot person, you could be a model." She stated, I rolled my eyes. "Yeah whatever." I sat back down on my bed.

"What time is he coming anyway?" She asked. "7" I replied. "Okay well, your cars are sitting outside and," we both heard the doorbell ring.

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