06 | Alone Again

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Dallas's POV

We were standing in the airport, my arms were around her and i didnt let go. I didnt want to let go. "Dally," she attempted to pull away from me. I gave her a slow, passionate kiss as i let her go. "Dont fuckin' die man." i pulled away for a second with my hands on both sides of her face. "Dont be stupid, i aint gonna die." she gave me a kiss and smiled.

"I love you." i told her as she grabbed her bag off the ground and kissed me again. Something about letting her go didnt feel right, i mean, i love her, but this didnt feel right. It was a gut feeling.

Quincey's POV

Boarding the plane, it didn't feel right. It's like my father told me when I was younger; 'it breaks my heart leaving time after time, Q.' That shit still stays with me. I sat down in my seat and looked at the window. I could see the plane leaving the small town i loved, the man i loved. Maybe following my father wasnt the brightest idea.


Two weeks later

"Lutennit Bradshaw, you were supposed to be here five minutes ago." my captain said as I entered the building. "Im sorry sir, traffic was heavy.'' I stood straight and looked him in they eye. "Bradshaw, may I tell you that you are missing the most important lesson of your naval career?" he asked me. "No sir.'' I answered. "Get your ass in that classroom." he pointed down the hall. "Yes sir." i then started walking.

I entered the classroom and took a seat at the back beside Ice, that was the only seat open. "What'd i miss?" i whispered to him. He looked at me and adjusted his position a bit. God did my heart drop at that. Iceman was never scared, but he was now. "We're goin' to the Soviet Union, Goose."

I don't think my heart could've dropped more than it did. The Cold War: the Soviet Union. I was going to war as a leader. All of us knew pilots were leaders. We all knew what we would do and none of us liked it.

I didn't talk to ice for the rest of the class. The captain explained everything we would need to know. That our planes were being loaded with bullets as we speak; that we had actual missiles now. Not the fake ones we used for training.

" We will fly in pairs: only four people will fly into the battles field. The others will fly to a camp about 30 miles from the battlefield and wait for my directions there." Now it was the daring question. Who was going where.

"Goose, Viper, Iceman and Maverick are the four going to the battlefield. Over the past year, the board has decided you're the most talented fliers. The most advanced. Especially with Bradshaw having half a years experience." I didn't need the compliment. I was going to fly with Fucking Maverick.

"Call your families, tell them you may not return home. Or don't, live or die with guilt." The captain concluded and left the room. I think all of the other aviators in the room took a moment of silence to think over what they just heard. Let the words sink into their skin. They didnt have a choice. We all signed up for this.

I was the first one to stand up and leave the room. Kazansky followed me. I walked to my quarters straight to the phone. Thinking about this conversation brought tears to my eyes. I picked up the phone and dialed Curtis's number, knowing this could be the last time I talked to any of them.

"Hello?" It was Andi.

"Hey, uhm, its Quinn, is your brother around?" i could feel the shake in my voice, i dont think she noticed.

"Yeah he's right here." she said.

When I felt the phone go silent for two minutes, all i could hear is my heart pounding inside my chest. I could feel how bad this was going to be to tell him, and i hated it. I hated everything about this.

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