14 | Daddy Would be Proud

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Quincey's Pov

"Good morning," were the words I woke up from. I turned around and faced Dallas as I smiled. "Morning." He kissed me and pulled me on top of him so I was practically laying on him. "You don't know how much I've missed you," he told me again while kissing me. I rolled my eyes and got off him to brush my teeth.

I put on some jeans and a long sleeve t-shirt and socks before going to the kitchen for food. Dallas trailed behind me with nothing but sweatpants on. "You seem happy," he put his arms around my waist and kissed my neck. "I'm always happy." He just kissed me again then fixed the food.

"When Darry was Over here I saw a ring on his finger." I asked, looking at him while I ate. "Yeah, uhm, him and Andi got married." He said awkwardly. I nodded in response. "How was the wedding?" I asked. It was solely out of curiosity, not to press his buttons or anything.

"It was fine. It was small." He answered. I nodded my head and finished my food, then washed my dish in the sink before putting it away. I already knew what I wanted to do, I wanted to go see my mom. She had probably missed me terribly, plus I wanted to make her happy.

"I'm goin' to see mom," I didn't even get the question out before I heard "I'm coming with you." From him. I smiled and walked to the bedroom to get my boots on, along with the medal I had gotten at the 'emergency ceremony' I think that whole entire thing was stupid.

"Wanna just walk there?" He asked as we left the house. "It's like a couple blocks, nothin' big." He convinced me. I nodded as he put his arm around my shoulders and started walking. He occasionally glanced down to my hands, then to my face. It was cold out, so my cheeks getting red could be blamed on that.

"I went here so many times when you were gone." He said as I opened the door. "Really?" I asked, walking around the house a bit. My mother certainly hadn't changed the house much. But you could smell the dumbass's stupid cologne everywhere.

"Dallas, any news on," she came from her office and started talking, but stopped when she saw me. I put the plaque and medal down on the table right before she hugged me tightly, like I was going to fade into dust if she let go.

"You're back! You're back!" She took my face in both of her hands and kissed my cheeks. "I am," I stated back, looking her in the eyes. "But your eyes," she ran a thumb over the scars on my cheekbones. "Your beautiful eyes, what happened?" She asked. I took her hands off and smiled. "It doesn't matter now."

"What's this?" She asked, picking up the medal and looking at it. "The day after I got back, they gave it to me." I answered, looking at her examining the object. "Your father always wanted to be awarded one of these, we are framing it." I rolled my eyes. "Ma, you don't need to frame it." She scoffed. "We're framing it."

"You're Daddy would be so proud." She told me. That statement affected me more than an average person. I did this because of my dad. My dad was a good man, taken too soon. I wish he was here to see me have it. I wish he could tell me he was proud. Maybe he is telling me, I just can't hear it.

Just then the devil walked into the house, slamming his keys on the front table and walking into the kitchen. He stopped to look at me for a second, then Dallas. Dallas was sending daggers towards the man, Matt just let out a nice small laugh in response. You could tell Dally was about to pounce.

"You didn't die out there?" He asked with sarcasm. Was that supposed to be funny? "I woulda thought you'd end up like your old man, Quincey." He laughed, that's when Dallas stood up from the table and pounced.

He grabbed Matt by the collar of his jacket and got real close to his face. "You say another word, I'll kick your ass you bald motherfucker." He said slowly. It was the old him. The 17 year old him again. A 17 year old Dallas and a 24 year old me.

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