05 | Winston Reunion

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Dallas's POV

"Merry Christmas baby," I leaned over and gave my girlfriend a kiss. She smiled and wrapped her arms around my neck. This was the best way to wake up any day.

We were in my room at Bucks place, this would be her last full day here and I wanted to make it special. I mean every day I spend with her is special, but I wanted this one to be extra special. Today is a special day.

"I don't want you to leave tomorrow.'' I mumbled into her neck as I wrapped my arms around her bare torso. "Dally," she turned back into me and wrapped her arms around her neck and let her hands fall into my hair. "I only got two more months, then i graduate, then ill be stationed here in Tulsa." She told me. I sighed, knowing that was true.

"Its still hard to watch you go man. I mean, you could never come back." i told her. She sighed and ran her fingers through my hair, leaning her head against mine as she did. "Dal, dont think about that.'' She laughed at the end, so did I. god i wanted this to last forever.

"How long does it take you to throw on jeans and a shirt?" I asked as we walked out of the bar, sarcastically annoyed. "How long does it take you?" she shot back equally sarcastic. "Not as long as you." he rolled his eyes. She bumped into my shoulders, I did the same back with a laugh.


We arrived at Curtis's house about ten minutes later, she was smiling the entire time I hand my arm around her shoulders. It absolutely sucks that she leaves tomorrow.

We walked through the doors and everyone cheered. Everyone was there, Andi, the gang, annoying ginny and Soda's new girlfriend. I think her name was Madeline or something like that. She's a nice broad. Not nicer than mine, though.

"Finally decide to show up?" Darry said as he embraced Q with a hug. I'd be lying if I said the didn't piss a little bit. I know he's with my sister, I know he wouldn't do anything like that. But it still shifts my mood when he does that. It's not a big deal.

"Yeah whatever." I sent Darry a wink, which he rolled his eyes and sat down by my sister. I lightly laughed to myself and Q hit my shoulder. You cannot tell me that was not funny.

It was like 4:30, Darrel was starting his masterpiece of a dinner while Ponyboy helped, or attempted to. I heard a lot of "ow Darry, why does it burn so much" and "stop splattering it on me!" And "Pony stop being dramatic" comedy show 101.

I was sitting beside my girlfriend, messing around with the ring in my pocket. Q was engaged in a Deep conversation with Andromeda about her Britain and France boarding school our shitty parents sent her too when I was like 13. It brought back memories that I didn't like, so I didn't listen much. Only when my name was mentioned.

It's honestly pissing me off why I decided to do this. Who knew Dallas Winston, the trouble maker, jailbird and hood would be marrying a girl like her. It just doesn't make sense. Maybe I'm making the wrong decision.

The gold band I saw at that store just caught my eye, something terrible. Q wore silver jewelry. That's like all she wore. I got the wrong color? Is it my kind of special? I don't know. I might just tap out of it.

I talked to Soda about it, I'm guessing he blabbermouth to everyone except Q, which was why I was receiving smiles from everyone tonight. Sometimes I wish that fucking Cola looking bitch would keep his trap shut.

"Dal," it was Q. She was looking at me. "Hmm?" I replied, looking into her eyes. "You alright? You've been quiet." She smiled my way. I pulled her chin towards me for a kiss and smiled. I was alright now. "I'm okay," she nodded.

Darry grabbed me by the shoulder and pulled me up and took me into the kitchen, Soda, Ponyboy, Johnny, Two Bit, Madeline, and ass face stood there, looking at me.

"Dally," Darry smacked my face lightly to get my attention. "What the fuck?" He asked, I raised my eyebrows. "What?!" I asked. "You're acting weird." Soda replied. I rolled my eyes. "You always say that."

"No Dal, we can tell when somethin' on your mind." Johnny said. I turned towards him. "You kept your hand in your pocket the entire time you've been over here." He looked at my pocket. "What are you, a detective now?" I let out a small laugh.

"Cmon Dal, we all know what you're thinkin'." Two bit said, I rose my eyebrows. "What am I thinkin?" I asked. Two Bit took me off guard and slipped a hand in my pocket. Fucking bastard. He held up the ring and smiled. "We know." he knows how to suck dicks.

I snatched the ring from his hand and looked him straight in the eyes. "It aint any of your business man, dont fucking get involved with my girl or my plans. Stay out of it." I told him. Everybody in the room looked taken back by what I had said, I meant every word of it.

I walked back out to the living room and sat by her, putting my arms around her shoulders. The rest of the guys walked back into the room, trying to be discreet but they wernt. Johnny looked scared of me for a second, that broke my fucking heart. My best fucking friend, mad at me. Jesus christ.

It was about 11:30 at night when everything ended. As Q and I were walking out, Johnny was heading towards his house, hands shoved in his pockets per usual. "Johnny." I started and walked over to him. Q decided to keep her distance, which I was thankful for. She always knew how to read situations well.

"Look man, i'm sorry for snappin' at ya earlier. Just things are so overwhelming, i mean she's leaving tomorrow and I had too many things on my mind." I told him quickly. He gave me a short smile. "Dont worry about it Dally." he told me then started to walk off, towards the lot. God i felt fucking bad for this kid.

"Johnny." I walked after him again. He spun around and sighed. "You goin' to the lot?" i asked, and he stayed still. "Jesus Christ, come on." I grabbed his shoulder and pulled him along with me. It felt like old times now. Some of the old times were good.

Buck was standing outside the door with a cigarette in his mouth and his shirt off. "Dally, you got some broad here to see ya." I gave Q a confused look, she gave me one too. She probably thinks I slept with someone. Oh Jesus christ.

"Dally?" i reconised that voice. "Oh my god." She stood up and ran up to me and embraced me with a hug. "Ren, what the hell are you doing here?" i asked her. "Dal," she was crying. I hugged her tighter and she did the same. "I couldnt stay in New York man, i just couldnt."

I kissed the top of her head, god i missed this kid. "Are you okay?" I asked my 16 year old sister. "Im fine." she replied into my chest. She pulled back away from me and looked at me with glossy eyes. "Is this your girlfriend?" she asked with a smile. I laughed a bit. "Cmon. youve probably had a long day." i then pulled her up the stairs with me.

"Alright, uhh," the four of us were in my room, Johnny looked uncomfortable as hell. "Youre Quincey Bradshaw, arent you?" well, that came out of nowhere. Q looked at my sister with a smile. "You read the New York Times," Q sat on my bed. "Give me five, kid." she told her.

"Uhh, if you and Johnny wanna take the room across from us, that's okay. Johnny, if you dont wanna," he cut me off. "Its fine. Ill sleep on the floor, no big deal." he told me. I nodded as they both walked out of the door and into the other room.

I laid beside my girlfriend, my mind confused as hell as too why both my sisters were now in Tulsa Oklahoma. "I like your sisters." Q giggled. "I thought she hated me." i said with a smile. "I dont think she hates you." she rolled over and gave me a short kiss. Round two?

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