20 | Police Stations, Gang Fights, its all Again

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September 19th, 2006

Quincey Bradshaw

"Mom, when you're up in the air, do you ever get scared?" Collins asked me as we drove home from school. Man, did that question make me think.

Seventeen years of the happiest marriage to ever exist, and fourteen years of a kid. Can you believe it? Me having a kid? Or Dallas for that matter.. It never crossed our damn minds. He wanted something to remember me by, let's just say he definitely got it.

"Why do you ask?'' I asked, looking over at her. "I read an article about you at school today, it said you saved a lot of people in the 80's." She looked at me. "And you and dad go to those events all the time, I only go to his movie ones." she trailed off, looking out the window. I sighed and tapped the steering wheel.

"I was 16 when I graduated highschool, top of my classes and by the time i was 18 i had all my flight experience i needed to get into TopGun." I looked at her. "If your grandad was still here, I guarantee you'd be with him right now, flying instead of being a sophmore in highschool." I smiled, and so did she. "He'd take you out of school any chance he got."

"You asked me if I got scared up there,'' I paused. "When i first started, hell yeah i was. Your uncle Maverick taught me not to think up in the air, just do. If you think, you have more chances of making mistakes. So i dont think about anything, i just teach and do." i explained to her, and she smiled. "That's what Mav told me." she smiled. "He's right."

"When you met Dad, what was he like?" i laughed at her question. "Oh Jesus, what was he like?" I smiled down at her, and she nodded. "Reckless, jailbird, anything to start a rumble he did. He loved fights, rodeo's, runnin' from the cops, he was an adrenaline addict.'' I looked at her, she was giggling. "But don't you forget, I was too. Maybe not to his extent, but i was.'' She smiled at me.

We got a better- new house. One that Dally was sick of or hated. He wanted to make sure i had a 'garage' for my very one f-14 that i earned from the Navy. Of course it's my pride and joy, I'm like a 30 year old dad that plays gold every sunday, just replacing golf with flying. I remember when i took Dally out on it once, that was funny as hell.


"Dal, if i ever say eject, you pull those straps above your head, okay?" i told him. "Okay," he was obviously scared. I put my mic on, so did he. The taxi way let us go off into the sky, Dally was scared as fuck in the air. I could literally hear his breathing through the mic.

"You okay?" i asked. "Mhm," he said shakily. I decided to have some fun with him and do a couple loopy loops around everywhere, his breathing became more intense and his eyes were wider than normal. "Okay, why are you going so fast?" he asked, "Dal, we are litterialy in mach two, not that fast. Do you want to see fast?'' I asked. "No?!"

"Too bad."

I pushed the lever forward and entered mach 3, then 4, then 5, then 6, then 7, and that was all the faster I wanted to go. "Fun right?" All I got was Dallas's heavy breathing. I laughed as I started to slow the plane down and land it.

"How the fuck do you do that every day?" he asked, sweating and out of breath. "Its fun." i shrugged. "THAT IS NOT FUN."

Safe to say, Dally doesn't like planes.


"I wish I could've met my grandpa," Collins said, looking out the window of the classic Dodge Charger. "I do too. He was a good man." I looked over at her. "I think we would've liked me." she went on. "I mean who doesn't like me? Except for that bitch Katie. God she's so annoying.'' Here comes the drama.

I listened to her rant about being the youngest in the highschool and still 'pulling more bitches than Katie' like yall are 14, they ain't gonna last. They'll start lasting once you're 16/17, but 14? Cmon.. But Katie is a little bitch. She's Sylvia's kid, or should I say, one of four kids. I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree now, does it?

Have it all // Dallas WinstonWhere stories live. Discover now