y/n Bio

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Name - y/n l/n 

races - Humen /???

How y/n looks like and wears  

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Magic -??? 

parents -???

y/n was as people called him a street rat, a troublemaker a good for nothing .He never knew he's parents nor did he have a home he used to live in a abandon hose in the woods that's until he met a girl by the name Luz Noceda when the first met luz was getting picket on by other kid for being different so he fought the kids of getting hurt in the prosses during the fight luz 's mom Camilla Noceda herd the commotion and found a hurt boy protecting her daughter . after the fight camilla took y/n to her home where she treated his injuries when camilla ask were why he fought dose kids he said that they were picking on luz and he wanted to save her and when she asks him about he's parent where he told her that he doesn't have any that he's an orphan. when camilla herd that she knew she needed to do something but what, that's when she looked at her daughter talking and smiling at y/n at that moment she decided to adopt y/n so that he doesn't have to be alone and so that her daughter can have a friend. several years have pats and luz and y/n started dating but what would happen to their relationship when the accident go to another dimension.


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