A Lying Witch and a Warden

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[Open on a and a staff backflipping onto a cliff. She glares up at a .]

Gildersnake: Foolish child! I could swallow you whole! [Hisses.]

Azura: Do not underestimate me, Gildersnake, for I am the Good Witch Azura, warrior of peace! [Poses as wind blows her hair before dropping into a battle stance and holding her staff like a bazooka.] Now eat this, sucka! [Fires off staff.]

Gildersnake: [While being shot.] No! My only weakness: dying! [Collapses.]

[Cuts to a doll of Azura and a green snake being held.]

: And that's the end.

: The end of what?

Luz y/n: Our book report. [The snake hisses and bites the doll.

Luz:I think I knocked it out of the park.

Principal Hal: Your book report is why you're in here.

y/n:Then why am I here then 

Principal Hal:Your here for the four kid you send to the nurse office 

y/n:They deserve it they were making fun of luz no one make fun of my bella rosa 

[luz blush and looks away when y/n said dis]

[He massages the bridge of he's nose and gestures to the door, through which we can see two students running by screaming, snakes biting their heads.]

Luz: Oh. That's where the backup snakes were.

Camila: And what were you going to do with this? [Holds up several firecrackers tied together.]

Luz: That was for the Act Three closer.

Camila: Mija, I love your creativity, but it's gotten out of hand. Do you remember why you were in the principal's office the last three times?

[Cut to Luz on stage at an audition for Romeo and Juliet, holding a spork.]

Luz: O happy dagger, give me death!

[Luz stabs the spork into her torso before tearing her dress, making several links of sausages fall out.]

y/n: No!! don't worry my love we will be united soon in the after life 

[ y/n does the same and collapses beside luz holding her hand. Everyone else on-stage screams and runs.] 

[Cut to Luz sewing a pigeon head onto a squirrel's body, on a platform labelled "baby ".]

Luz: Now for the final anatomically correct touch, spider breath.

[She opens the model's beak. Many spiders come out, crawling over her and the table. People scream in terror, throwing objects everywhere.]

y/n:Nice touché my amor really enhances the mystical part of it. 

[he hugs her and kisses her check] 

 [Cut to cheerleading tryouts, where a girl does a successful backflip. Every other student applauds.]

Luz: You think that's an impressive trick? [Throws her pom-poms to the side.] Take a look at this. [Turns around to reveal she flipped her eyelids inside out.] Bleep, bloop, bleep!

[Everyone else screams and runs, and it sounds like at least one person is gagging.] 

y/n:Yes run from my girlfrinds beauty. 

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