The first sleepless night

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first I would like to start by saying thank you to all the people who read, comment and vote on my story. When I first stared to write this story I never though it would get all this attention I thought that it would be another owl house story that no one read but you guys proved me wrong  and I'm very great full for all your support so as a thank you to all the people who have read, commented or vote On my story here is the first lemon of the story so I hope you enjoy.


 [In a house on Gravesfield, Connecticut. The house is a two-story house with white walls and a gray roof, and many windows along the front. There is a driveway on the left side of the house and a walkway that leads up to the front door. Behind the house is a dense forest.]

[fade to inside the where a young girl is sitting on her desk in her room. From the entrance, a large mirror door closet can be seen on the left. There is a bunk bed in the corner with multiple stuffed toys on it. In front of the bunk bed, there is a table with a laptop and multiple books on it. The window to the left of the table offers a view of the forest behind the house. To the right of the bunk bed is a bookshelf. It used to have a tinfoil swan, multiple action figurines, and a picture of a younger Luz and y/n hugging on it.]

{Luz Pov}

Luz: [opens her laptop and starts recording] Hola me Llamo Luz Noceda I'm 17 years old in my third year of high school and tomorrow is my amazing boyfriend Y/n birthday so today me and my mom will be preparing stuff for he's surprise party tomor-   

???: Luz mija what are you doing 

[Luz turns around and sees her mother Camilla Noceda with a her phone]

[Luz turns around and sees her mother Camilla Noceda with a her phone]

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Luz: Oh sorry mama just recording for my journal

Camila: that's sweet but can you do it another time I need your help with some stuff for the party.

Luz: Claro mama [closes her laptop] what do you need 

Camila: Well first I need you to wake up Y/n I think he's still sleeping in he's room.

Luz: [smiles] he always sleeps in even when he's birthday is so close.

Camila: And then I need you to hand him this list of groceries for him to pick up [hand her the list]    

Luz: Ok I will be right back. 

[ she leaves her room and goes downs stairs passing through the living room which It is situated on the right side of the house. It consists of a TV, a sofa, and has a Latino-style decoration. She opens the door to the basement and goes downstairs. The Basement of the Noceda residence appears to mostly be used for storage with have of it being made into a room. It contains a couch and various boxes of items with a Dominican flag on the wall. A washing machine and dryer can be seen on the corner of the room. A Puerto Rican flag can also be seen. As the other halve of the room contains of a bed with doers in the bottom if it, a desk next to the bed with a laptop on top with multiple pictures of Luz, Camila and Y/n with one of them having a heart shape frame with both Y/n and Luz in it as Y/n is drees in a pair of black drees shoes white pants a red sach wrapped around he's waist  and a purple drees shirt that have half of it buttons open and roll up sleeves and Luz wearing a beautiful Mexican still white, red and blue drees with white shoes and a flower on her head witch was giving to her by Y/n that night 

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