passing the time

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[ this chapter is going to be a little different cause I couldn't figure out how to make Y/n fitt on the next two episodes "Escaping Expulsion" and "Echoes of the Past" since he's suppose to be hidden he can't go and save Luz and Amity from the enchants abomination in "Escaping Expulsionit's" and sense "Echoes of the Past" is a King center episode with Lilith and Luz tagging along Y/n would have nothing to do. So as compensation this chapter is going to be two lemon one with Lilith as a stand in for "Escaping Expulsion* and one with Eda for "Echoes of the Past" with some stuff from the episode so I hope you guys enjoy]

[Opens on the owl house as we see Eda and Lilith practicing there glyph as Y/n is just laying down on the couch]

Eda: come on, come on, [draws a glyph circle making a ball of light] yes! [Only for it to disappear a second after] no!

Y/n: your not doing it right [while looking at the sealing]

Lilith: he's right Eda your supposed to do it like this [draws a glyph circle only for it to the same thing Eda did].

Eda: Ja suck it lili.

Lilith: but how I drew the circle perfectly.

Y/n: you know it's pretty funny watching you two failed at this.

Eda: oh yea well I would like to see you give it a try.

[Y/n only give a a dead pan expression as he draws a glyph and tap it only for it to crumble to dust]

Eda: oh yea

Lilith: how fascinating what causes it.

Y/n: it's really not that confusing it just drained the magic out of the glyph.

Lilith: and how did you get this power.

Y/n: [shrugs] I don't know it's started happening after I got to the boiling isle so I assume it's from my parents.

Lilith: you're parents the king and queen of Camelot so that would make you royalty.

Y/n: I guess so, not like it matter now.

Eda: hey come on kid it's not like you have nothing left there still human around.

Y/n: yea I guess your right [stands up] I'm going to take a nap knowing Luz she's going to talk all night when she gets home.

[Y/n goes up stairs to he's room]

Lilith: what poor child I can't imagine being in he's shoes.

Eda: I wouldn't call him a child [smirk] if you know what I mean.

[Lilith blushed]

Lilith: Eda that's is so inappropriate.

Eda: oh so you don't want to try and ride he's "broom".

Lilith: I-a- shut up

Eda: [pokes her sister on her cheek] come on Lili when was the last time you got laid.


Eda: I mean you have had sex right.


Eda: oh my god you haven't [laugh]

Lilith: shut Up for your information I was focusing on my courier.

Eda: yea and look where that got you.

[Lilith glares at Eda]

Eda: Well Lili you better shoot your shot cause I'm really looking forward to riding he's "magic wand" all night.

[Eda leave the room leaving Lilith thinking]

[Cut to latter in the day we're we see Y/n sleeping on he's room as the door to he's room is slowly open]

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