Hooty's Moving Hassle

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[Open on the living room, where and are playing a with and watching. Eda shuffles her hand, and the eyes on the cards look up at her. Owlbert, wearing a green visor, narrows his eyes and hoots.]

Eda: Watch closely, Luz. Hexes Hold'em is the most tricky game on the Boiling Isle . Any proper witch knows how to play.

Luz: Don't worry Eda I already know how to play juts ask Y/n how our last mash went [looks at y/n with a smirk] what do you say Y/n you want to later play our special game 

Y/n: [looks at her and smirks] sure as long as you invite the others in our special group 

Luz: Oh, I'm planning on it you know what I'm going to text the right now 

Eda: Luz pay attention 

[Eda puts a card down on the table. Lightning comes from the cards, sending Owlbert flying for cover behind the side of the table. The cards all stand and roar. Owlbert's surge forward and attack Eda's, making Owlbert smirk.]

Eda: Now when it looks like the deck is stacked against you, that's when you break out the wildcard.

[She holds up a card with a tower on it. It glows green, and Owlbert's cards disappear in a flash of fire. Fiery letter spelling out "WINNER: EDA" appear and disappear over the table. Owlbert hops back on and hoots at Eda, his wings extended.]

Eda: Woo, I win! In your adorable owl face. Ah, I love the feeling of victory; it feels... fluffy? [Feathers are growing from her arms.]

Luz: Uh, Eda? It's happening again!

Eda: What's happening again?

King: Your is returning!

[Eda yelps.]


[Cut to the inside of a chest as Eda opens it, Luz on one side and King on the other.]

Eda: Oh, boy.

[All of the bottles in the chest are empty.]

Eda: This is terrible. I'm out of elixir.

Luz: Uh, last time this happened, you turned into this. [Holds up her phone, a picture of the Owl Beast on screen.]

Y/n: Yea and you stab me in the gut 

Luz: That to 

Eda: I know I should be repulsed, but that look is fierce.

Luz: Eda!

Eda: You're right, you're right. We need to head to the market.

Luz: Market! [Stands and starts to leave.]

King: [Follows her.] I'm stealing everything that's not nailed down!

Y/n: [Follows her] no you're not 

Eda: Before we go, would anyone like to play one more hand of Hexes Hold'em? [Pats her pocket.] Hey, where are my cards?

Luz: [Handing the deck to Owlbert.] Take these and fly ahead. She'll have to follow us.

[He does.]

Eda: [Running after him.] Owlbert, you sore loser, gimme back my cards!

[Cut to the skyline as a winged beast fly past. Cut to the market, where Eda bangs on a metal grate.]

Eda: Hey, open up, Morton!

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