The Intruder

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???: do you really have to do this now Luz

Luz: Yes, now uncover yourself  Boscha already send you a sexy pick now is your turn 

[Luz and Y/n are in their room as Luz hold the scroll that Boscha gave them the other day as Y/n is half naked Infront of her with an embarrass look]

Y/n: But why a nude picture if she only send a picture of her in her underwear. 

Luz: Because she needs this now get naked

Y/n: And how do you know that 

Luz: we have bien talking over the scroll for the past few days 

Y/n: about

Luz: Well mostly you but we also talked about the old Human and how will the harem work and we have decided that you can only add 1 to 2 more people to the harem 

Y/n: And you're telling me about this now 

Luz: Oh, stop complaining you love the Idea of a harem

Y/n: [ staid quiet for a while]

Luz: [worried] what's wrong [takes his hand] 

Y/n: Luz why do you really want me to have a harem 

Luz: What do you mean why is fo-

Y/n: The truth Luz [he raises he's voice]

Luz: [looks down on the floor] you know after the incident in my family I sort of shut off for a while and the only thing to bring my comfort was the fantasy books but one day I found a special type of book and in that book the main character had a harem.

Y/n: where is this going 

Luz: I'm getting their [smiles at him] at first, I didn't like it I Thought that it was weird and strange that the main character had a harem but after I finish the book, I realize something the main character reminded me of you [y/n look shock] so I read it again but this time I imagen the main character was you and I found how happy he's life was how every girl in the harem love him and each other 

Y/n: And you wanted us to have that same happiness as they did didn't you.

Luz: Yep, but if you don't want one, I'll call Boscha and tell her 

Y/n: Fine we can have a harem together 

Luz: [ looks at him surprise] you series [he nods] oh I love, I love, I love, [ jups to him and starts kissing him]

Y/n: alright, alright now hurry up take the picture so that Boscha doesn't get left out [gets fully naked and poses] 

Luz: [takes the picture] oh you look so sexy Boscha goanna love this 

Y/n: The things I do for love 

Luz: Now for being the best boyfriend ever you get a reward 

Y/n: and what's that [Luz throws her cloths to the floor and gets naked]

Luz: Now come here and claim your reward 

[all Y/n dose is smile]

[fade to black.Cut to a video recording of 's eye.]

: [Voiceover.] And here we have the most fearsome creature in the world, the King of demos .

[The video zooms out to show King trying to tear a sock off his nose.]

Luz: Facing his natural enemy, the ducky sock!

King: [Grunting, tears the sock into pieces, then punches the remnants.] Where are you now, ducky sock? Hey where Y/n Isn't he always with you 

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