The First Day

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{ I've notice recently that a lot of works are getting deleted do to the "sexual content" so I maid a archive account were I will publish the lemons for all my storys if your interested go check it out I will leave the url in my bio. And a little bit of a warning I will be skipping some episode do to them not having any room for the reader so the next two episodes will be skip the episodes "really small problems" and "understanding Willow" will be skip do to the reason mention before and to get to the season finally faster so in compensation both of them will have lemons in the really small problems episode Y/n will tell Boscha the first time him and Camila ever had sex and in the Understanding Willow one it will be a lemons With willow after the event of the episode}

[Open on a dark backstage. activates a and holds it between her and .]

Luz: I-I'm not ready for this Y/n. Maybe we should go back.

Y/n: come on Luz were already got this far there's no going back 

Luz: But what if... What if I mess something up? Or what if I do something wrong? [Gasps.] What if I die?

Eda: Hey. Calm down, calm down. I had to do the same thing when I was a  Witchling. It's like a rite of passage. Granted, I was a little more skilled.

Y/n: Eda! Not helping [point at Luz who is more nerviest checking.] 

Eda: Right, right. Sorry, sorry. Now, get pumped.

Luz: Pumped!

Eda: Get ready.

Luz: [Pulls hood up.] Ready!

Eda: Now, go! [Shoves her.]

[Cut to the stage, a spotlight aimed at the closed curtains and a banner reading ": Entrance Exams." The curtains open. Luz jumps on stage in a dark cloak.]

Luz: [Movie trailer narrator voice.] From the humblest of beginnings, a hero will rise. [Normal voice.] I have traveled from and trained with a powerful witch to master dark and forbidden . I am... [Takes cloak off with a twirl.] Luz Noceda!

[Reveal the audience, which is empty except for Principal Bump sitting in the front row with a clipboard.]

Luz: [Chuckles awkwardly, tosses confetti out of a fanny pack.] Confetti!

Principal Bump: Right. One of the Humans that wants to be a witch. Against my better judgement, I've allowed you and your partner to take this exam into Hexside. But can you even do magic with all your... human parts?

Luz: I sure can. [Zips open fanny pack.] It's said that humans can't do magic, [Pulls out papers and shows them to both sides of the auditorium.] but I discovered a lost technique that changes everything.

Principal Bump: Hmm?

[Eda gives two thumbs-up from backstage as Y/n give her a reassuring look. Luz activates the light glyph and lets the ball rise. She moves the under the light and activates it. Luz beams and does jazz hands.]

Principal Bump: Spells cast with paper? I've never heard of such a thing. [To himself.] But is it enough to pass the exam?

Luz: Uhh...

Eda: Improvise.

Luz: Um, I can do other things, what about... this? [Stands, flips eyelids inside out.] Bleep, bloop, bleep!

[Principal Bump is not impressed.]

Luz: Ow, ow! Eyelash! Eyelash!

[Luz slips on the melted ice pillar and falls into her abandoned cloak. She stands and tries to free herself, falling off the stage and onto Principal Bump. She rolls off him.]

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