Separate Tides

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[Open on Luz holding a ball of light in one hand and carrying the Owl Staff in the other through a cave. She stops when she sees a large shadow on the wall in front of her. Offscreen there is a deep laugh. Luz gasps.]

Garlog: Foolish child. Leave this place before you meet your demise.

Luz: Do not underestimate me, Garlog. For I am the good witch, Luz, hunter of monsters. [Perches the staff on her shoulder like a bazooka.] Now eat this sucka-what?

[Garlog turns out to be a tiny creature casting a shadow standing in front of a lantern. Luz picks him up and he lets out a squeak trying to escape.]

Luz: You're Garlog? [Pulls out his wanted poster, depicting him as being much larger and worth 4,000 snails, compares it to the real thing.] This is pathetic.

Garlog: Small I may be, but you will soon know fear when I lay waste to all that you-
[He gets cut off by King, who eats him whole.]

Luz : King, drop it now. Drop it now!

[King mumbles and runs off.]

Luz [Chases after him.] Drop it! No! I'm not gonna play right now! King!

[The Owl House is shown, wind howling. Cut to Luz's room, where Garlog is stuffed in a bottle while Luz sets her phone against it.]

Luz: [Boops Garlog's nose.] Boop! [Turns on camera to say hello to her mother.] Hola, Mama! You haven't heard from me in a while. It's been a week and a half since the petrification ceremony. A week and a half since I destroyed the portal home. I had to. Emperor Belos was going to kill Eda if I didn't hand it over. But I couldn't let him use it, so I blew it up with some magic fire... [To herself.] She's not gonna understand any of this. That's okay, Luz. Just keep moving forward. [To Camila.] This world is filled with inexplicable magical wonders, like this portal key! [Pulls out the item in question.] I don't know if it contains magic, but I'm gonna study all I can, and find a way back to you. A-And look! [Lifts up her leg to show King holding onto it.] I have friends to help me.

King: I'm never letting you go! You're never returning to the human realm!

Luz: He doesn't mean that. [Covers the camera.]

King: Yes, I do!

[Cut to Eda in the kitchen, where she is trying to cast magic by pouring a cup of apple blood.]

Luz [Narrating.] This is Eda the Owl Lady, the most powerful witch on the Boiling Isles. [Eda's magic fails; the bottle explodes, covering Eda in apple blood.] Or at least she was until her curse overpowered her and weakened her magic. She's doing her best now.

[Scene switches to Lilith, who is wearing a new outfit and putting her old one away.]

Luz: [Narrating.] Eda was cursed by her own sister, Lilith. And she spent her entire life looking for a way to undo it. It's still hard for everyone to trust each other, but maybe with time we can all become friends.

[Lilith stares out of the open window pensively, a small smile appearing on her face as Luz narrates. She jumps when Hooty appears in the window.]

Hooty :Hello!

[Lilith screams in surprise and slams the window in Hooty's face. Cut to outside the Owl House. Eda is seen constructing something.]

Luz: [Narrating.] Even though Eda gets frustrated, she's found new ways to make up for her lost powers.

Eda: Check it, Luz! A new hunting weapon. I will call her the Stab-Catcher.

Luz: [Narrating.] Without the portal, Eda has no human garbage to sell. So, we've resorted to working odd jobs to keep food on the table.

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