Keeping up A-fear-ances

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[The scene opens with total darkness.]

Young Eda: [Narrating.] It always starts the same way.

[A young Eda suddenly gasps and sits up, panting.]

Young Eda: [Narrating.] I wake up someplace dark.

[Eda finds herself in a shadowy void. She stands up and looks around with a frightened expression. A shadow flashes past behind her. She turns around to look at it.]

Young Eda: [Narrating.] And then it appears.
[The Owl Beast appears. It steps on the ground, causing it to shake. It then stretches its neck towards Eda, stops in front of her, and screeches. Eda cries out in surprise, then turns around and runs away, panting and crying. The scene then transitions into her in her room. She is sitting on her bed, telling this to a healer from the Healing Coven and her mother.]

Young Eda: And eventually... I wake up and I know I turned into... that thing.

Healer: I see. Here, take this. [Hands over a large gem to Eda.] It will tell you when the beast's energy is bubbling to the surface. Also, I hear gems are quite fashionable for young witches.

Gwendolyn; Oh, what a beautiful little stone. [To the healer.] May I speak with you outside? [Ushers him outside.] Just a minute, hon.

[Eda's mom closes the door. Outside the room, she starts scolding the healer. Eda gets up and eavesdrops on their conversation behind the door.]

Gwendolyn: What the heck was that? I thought you were in the Healing Coven, not the Bauble Brigade.

Healer: Mrs. Clawthorne, we have never seen a curse quite like this. I'm not sure it can be healed. Perhaps if we consult the Potions Coven, they may know a way to keep it at bay.

Gwendolyn: Keep it at bay? Oh, no. My daughter is suffering and I want that thing out! Cut it out if you have to.

[Upon hearing that, Eda gasps and covers her mouth. She pants and clutches her chest. Then, she looks up and notices that her window is open. The wind blows, causing it to swing and squeak.]

Gwendolyn: [Pushes door open.] Edalyn, I'm taking you to someone else. [Looks up.] Huh?

[Gwendolyn notices the open window. Scene then cuts to Eda running through a forest. She eventually stops to catch her breath, then starts walking while looking around.]

Young Eda: I never knew this was back here.

[Eda trips over something and falls down. She turns around to see what made her fall.]

Young Eda: Huh?

[Eda notices a suitcase-like object buried in the sand. She picks it up and wipes off the dirt on its surface, revealing an eye shape. The eye then flashes, and the suitcase flies off Eda’s hand. It folds open, with a key turning the lock, unlocking it. A door then opens, revealing it to be a portal leading to an unknown realm.]

Young Eda: [Squints.] What?

Gwendolyn: [Distant.] Edalyn! Edalyn, is that you?

[Eda hesitates, then runs through the portal. The portal folds up and disappears. Gwendolyn comes out from behind a bush.]

Gwendolyn: [Looks around.] Edalyn! Edalyn!
[Gwendolyn stops. She looks down with a sad expression, then looks up to her right with a determined expression.]

Gwendolyn: I will find a way to cure you, Edalyn. No matter what it takes.

[Back at the Owl House in the present. An alarm clock is screaming. Eda grabs it and throws it at the wall, destroying it. She gets out from her nest, goes up to her mirror, and screws in her fake gold fang. After that, she shaves feathers off her leg. She then opens a cupboard stocked up with elixirs. She takes one out, drinks it and blaghs. Back in her room, she puts on a new dress and tears part of the front off.]

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