Witches Before Wizards

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[Open on . Wind howls as it moves open and creaking window. Luz rolls over and breathes heavily. Flashback to events of the : hopping through the in tent with a sack in his beak, Luz running through behind him.]

Luz: Stop adorably hopping away, you... Huh?

[Cut to the living room, the first time Luz entered.]

Eda: Welcome to... [Snaps fingers.] ...the Owl House.

[Luz gasps. Cut to Luz's first staff ride, whimsical music playing over the scene. Cut to present. Luz wakes up with a gasp and looks around the room. is snoring.]

Luz: It wasn't a dream! wait where's y/n did he not come with me [sees hes stuff on the floor] oh! thank God [Opens the window.] Good morning, terrifying fantasy world.

Monster: [Waving at her.] Good morning. [Sinks into the ocean.]

Luz: Ughhh.

[King continues snoring.]

Luz: [Picks up King.] Good morning, you little cutie-pie. [Kisses his head repeatedly.]do you know where y/n is

King: I am not your cutie-pie! and yes, he woke up a few hours ago 

Luz: thank you [Hugs him tightly before putting him back down on her sleeping bag.]

King: [Sighs goes back to sleep]

[Cut to Luz, fully dressed, opening the bathroom door. Several owls fly out of it, hooting. She watches them fly away before entering, walking backwards.]

: Hi, Luz!

[Luz screams and karate chops Hooty's face.]

Hooty: Ow! I'm just wishing you a good morning. [Retreats to the front door.] Jeez! Hoot! Ow!

Luz: Sorry, Hooty. but you deserve it for being a pervert [Looks at the bathroom counter and picks up her . Flips it open to a headshot of and holds it up to the mirror.] This is it, old girl. Your first day on the , as a Apprentice. [Punches the air.] Hyah! [Opens a closet door while covering her eyes.] Please have witchy clothes. Please have witchy clothes. Please have witchy clothes. [Takes her hand off her eyes and sees a closet full of stereotypical witchy stuff.] Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes! [Screams.]

[Cut to Luz writing "Witch Apprentice Luz" on a name tag and sticking it to her chest. She is now wearing a robe and what looks to be a witch's hat as she stands at the bottom of a staircase. Luz squeals. A toliet flushes. Eda's shadow appears on the wall before she steps into frame.]

Eda: [Yawns.] Hmm?

Luz: Good morning, Eda the Owl Lady. I am ready for my first day of Witch Apprenticeship.

Eda: Ugh! [Shakes spiders out of her hair, picks another one out of her ear.] Who are you, again?

Luz: Huh? [Stares in horror as her name tag falls to the floor.]


Luz: [Following Eda into the kitchen.] Remember me? Luz? y/n beautiful and great girlfriend [Grunts as a coffee cup hits her in the back of the head.] We freed the oppressed and defeated the together? Yesterday?

Eda: Kid, lay off the details. I haven't even had my cup of yet.

Luz: You mean apple juice?

Eda: No.

[Eda sits on the kitchen table and drinks from her mug. King is sitting in a high chair and stabbing a fork into a yellow blob with eyes sitting on a plate. suddenly y/n opens the back door and enters the kitchen all sweaty]

The Owl House x male reader (harem)Where stories live. Discover now