Chapter 2. Are you serious?!

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"This is she." i mumble.

"Great! This is ********** from ****** and we'd like you to join us as a star roll in endgame." The female chimes. "You're kidding?" I question. "No ma'am. I assure you this is real. Would you like me to send out a car to los Angeles CA to pick you up, or would you like to have some time to think?" The female chuckles. "I would like to have a little time to wrap my head around this whole thing. It's alot. Give me 3 days." I say quickly. "Ofcourse, take your time honey." She says before the line goes flat.

I run out of my room towards the door. "Gianna, where the hell are you going it's your turn to clean." Jessica groans. "You are not ruining this moment for me, I'll do it when i get back." I huff opening the door and slamming it behind me. I run down the hall to tessa's dorm room, knocking quickly. "I'm coming just wait!" I hear on the otherside of the door. I stand there bouncing on my feet waiting anxiously for the door to open. Finally, the door swings open. "Oh hey gia, come in." She says warmly, stepping to the side for me to walk in.

"Big news tess!" I say happily. She smiles and my happy state and gestures for me to sit next to her on the sofa. "Okay, shoot. What's happening?" She says, getting comfy in the corner. "Okay, you know how I'm literally almost done with college, right?" I say and she nods, waiting for me to proceed. "Well, i just got a call from the manager of ******** to come down there and be a main character in the new movie, 'Endgame'" I say, her eyes widen taking in what i just said. "Are you serious?! You'd be working with Scarlett Johansson!" She practically screams, jumping up from her seat. "I know! That's why i freaked out!" I say as she oulls me into a hug. "You have to do it! Did you say yes?" She questions quickly, i shake my head which earns me a slap to the head. "Ow, what was that for?" I groan rubbing the spot she hit.

"You didn't say yes?! Hello, earth to gianna. It's a marvel movie that has Scarlett jo fucking hansson in it. Are you dumb?!" She says, dramatically waving her hands in the air. "I told the girl i would get back to her in three days to discuss my decision! I wanted to see if you'd say yes." I say, rolling my eyes. "Ohhh," she says, rubbing the back of her neck. "My bad gia." She chuckles causing me to giggle abit. "Well you have work, and i have some thinking to do while i clean. So I'll let you get to it." I say and she huffs realizing that she does infact have work. "I'll stop by later so we can talk more on that subject." She says, giving me a hug before pushing me out the door; giggling. "Ass, but yeah. Just let me know when you're here and I'll come open the door for you." I say and she smiles. "Definitely. Love you, queen." She says giving me a sly grin. "Love you too, bitch." I said and she huffs rolling her eyes. I go back to the dorm when i see jessica coming out.

"So, when were you planning on telling me you trying to get rich and leave me here to fin for myself?" She says in a bitchy tone. "You are 26 years old jessica, grow the hell up." I said trying to go into the dorm. "Excuse me?! This is your fault, you made me party my life away!" She blames. "My fault?! Bitch you were here before i ever got out of highschool, you made the decision to waste you life. So unlike you I'm choosing to do something with my fucking life." I hiss out pushing her to the side so i can get in the dorm. I go straight to my room slamming and locking the door. Definitely taking that job.



Tess😪: hey, I'm on my way up. I brought some food🤭

Me: big bet, the doors unlocked.

Tess😪: sweet. Can you grab some plates and cups?

Me: yeah don't worry bout it.

Tess😪: what's going on? You seem off.

Me: I'll tell you when you get up here.
now hurry tf up I'm hungry!

Tess😪: mk!
Read 6:30 Pm

I get off my bed sliding my laptop onto my desk before walking towards the cabinet in the kitchen. "Don't use mine." Jessica hisses as she pounces onto the couch. "Shut up, i wash the dishes anyway." I glare at her. "Whatever, just don't break anything." She huffs. I'm gonna break a plate over your head in a second. I grab the bowls and plates, I don't really know what kinda food she got. I grab two cups and carry it to my room sitting them on my bed and the cups on the nightstand. I hear a heavy knocking on the door. "I'll get it." I mumble. I trot over to the door and open it. Tessa's arms are overflowed with stuff, i chuckle grabbing her keys, phone, sweaters, bag. Letting her carry the phone. "Thanks!" She sighs waddling her way into my room; me hot on her trail. "No problem. You can plate or bowl them they're on my bed." I mutter putting her stuff down somewhere safe.

"While i plate and bowl these start talking. I know something's wrong." She says. "Yeah yeah yeah. I'm just hungry and tired." I laugh and she hand's me the plate and bowl of food pouring our drinks. "Well eat up." She smiles, eating the soup first.


It has been three days, me and tess are in my room as the phone rings on my bed. "I'm nervous." I chuckle, she giggles but quickly stops when a females voice comes through the phone. "Hello?" I say, unsure if it's the same girl. "Hello again honey, have you made your decision?" She says. Oh thank god it's the same girl. "I have. And i would like to do it, but is it possible that i could be picked up on Saturday?" I question. It's Thursday and tomorrow is the test so i can graduate this and finally be done with this.

"Let me find out. Give me a few minutes." She says, music starts playing through the phone and i let out a air filled breathed. "It's okay gia, you definitely got the job." Tess says, grabbing my hand pulling it into her lap. I nod leaning on her shoulder.

"Okay. So unfortunately, the latest we can pick you up is tomorrow at 10 Pm" she speaks through the phone again. Oh thank god that is two hours after the test. "Oh okay, yeah that's completely fine." I say i hear her quietly cheering in the back. "Okay, i suppose we'll see you Saturday afternoon." She says and i agree. The call ends and i smile at tess as she pulls me into a hug.

"You did it gia! I'm so happy for you." She says. I guess it's time to pack up. "Thank you gia, omg thank you." I say and she chuckles. "Ofcourse, I'll always be here." She says warmingly. "You have to help me pack then." I smile evily and she laughs hard. "Okay sure." She smiles. With that she helps me pack up the stuff I won't use for the next two days. Which was alot.


I huff landing on the bed. "Damn that took foreverrr." I whine. "I did most the lifting!" She huffs pouncing down beside me. "I pushed, pulled, grabbed." I said and she laughed. "Fair." She chukles.

"I guess we have a few hours to actually hang out left. What you wanna do." I say and she smiles pulling me towards my room door grabbing our phones on the way.

Hello loves! How we feeling about this? Are y'all enjoying it, Hopefully you are. What do y'all wanna see happen?  Let me know I'd love to hear what you'd wanna see.

Drink some fluids, get some rest, and over all stay safe♾️

Word count: 1390.

(Also P.S. i know endgame wasn't filmed in LA but we're gonna go with it 🤧😍)

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