Chapter 20. "I'm kind of busy here." 🔥

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Pretty sure i left it in billies pov so.... 🤷🏼‍♀️ Y'all are so gonna hate me for this🤗

I can tell she's extremely nervous which is cute. "Babe." I coo, pulling away from her grasp. "Yes mi amor?" She tilts her head. "Are you sure you're ready for this?" I ask, pulling her closer to me. "Your dress is making me loose confidence. I won't lie about that." She chuckles. "Then let me help you baby." I grin, twisting my hands behind my back to unzip it. Her eyes track my every move which i find very cute; she puts her hand on my waist quickly spinning me around, i gasp grabbing her bed post. "Sorry mama." I see her smirking in the mirror. "Babe." She laughs lowley. I look back at her and tilt my head. "Your phones vibrating." She mutters. I huff sitting on the bed making her laugh.

Finneas: bold.

Billie: italic.

Billie, i need you to come get your dog.

Do you mind, I'm kinda busy here.

Oh sorry. Can i send claudia to drop him off at hers?

For fucks sake, yeah. Just make sure she doesn't come to the room.

Got it.

I end the call and huff. "I'm sorry, my love. Sharks being a asshole." I chuckle and so does she. "No worries." She coo's, sitting next to me.

~Gianna's Pov~

Honestly wish she never got the call. I slide my hand onto her thigh and she chuckles. "Close the door baby." She says standing up. I quickly go to the door. "Easy, I'm not going no where my love. I'm right here." She says as i turn around and almost drop. "Like what you see or something?" She jokes. I love how she's cracking jokes in this state, it calms my nerves abit. I'm not as confident as i come off, not immediately atleast. I nod and she pulls me closer to her. "May i?" She coo's, pulling at my shirt. I nod and untuck it.


I cover billies body quickly as shark jumps on the bed. "I am so sorry, finneas didn't tell me you were busy." Claudia says nervously looking towards the hallways. "It's fine, tell him I'm beating his ass tomorrow." Billies chuckles, pushing shark off her covered body. "I think i should go.." Claudia chuckles. "Mhm, see you tomorrow c." Billie mumbles into my neck. "See you tomorrow bil, goodnight ladies." She says, closing the door behind her. "Alright my love, I'm gonna go start a shower for you. Stay right there." I smile, kissing her some what sweating forehead. "Oh don't worry, I'm not going anywhere for the next hour-ish." She chuckles, petting sharks head. I go into the bathroom and run it. I grab two towels giving her the option, when i walk back into the room billies being attacked with kisses.

"The waters warming. Do you want some of my clothes or yours?" I ask sitting next to her. "Mmm." She pretends to think. "Yours." She chuckles, grabbing my hand. "Okay love, let me grab you some clothes then I'll help you to the shower." I smile, getting up. I grab a simple plain black T-shirt and tan sweatpants. "Hope this is good, can't help you with a bra, I'm a tad bit smaller then you." I chuckle making her throw her head back. "It's good, i wouldn't torture myself while trying to sleep." She laughs, turning to her side to look at me. "I'll go sit them in there and I'll come get you doll." She smiles before i walk away.


"It's not funny. I literally almost fell on my ass!" Billie laughs. "I didn't know he could get in!" I smile munching on a grape, shark had some how manage to get into the bathroom and barked at billie causing her to almost fall on her ass. "Neither did i but here we are. Shark's grounded." She smiles, popping a apple piece into her mouth, i fake pout and chuckle. "You can't ground my kid." She looks at my with a small grin. "Your child?" She questions and i shrug. "Yes my child." I say walking over to shark to play. "So he's our kid?" She asks again, folding her arms. "One of hopefully three." I smirk as her mouth drops. "Now i think you're losing it now." She laughs eating another slice of fruit. "How am i losing it?" I chuckle, tugging at the toy in hand. "Three?!" She gasps dramatically. "Mhm. 3 years apart." I say in a matter-of-fact tone. "Uh hell no. Have you never heard of the terrible 2-3!" She yells. I laugh and turn to her. "So you're agreeing to have kids with me?" I smirk and her eyes widen. "I- uh when did i say that?" She chuckles looking down at her hands. "Well. You never told me no to the idea. You just said no to the three years apart." I laugh grabbing her hands.

She shook her head before looking up at me. "Well I'm saying no for now." She smiles. "I'm okay with that." I agree. Honestly i don't know how i could ever leave her, she's so beautiful and amazing and could honestly do no wrong.

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