Chapter 23. Meetings and sleepovers

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~Gianna's Pov~

I have a meeting with scar and billie is about to go to her meeting first meeting out of the month. Honestly when i met her i would have never seen her as a celebrity, she's so kind hearted and a beautiful soul she unlike many different artists that only care about the wealth they earn from their fans. Billie though, she's a different type of human, she's not one to take the wealth and run. She's there for her babies and lives in the moment with them. She's so open to them about how she feels about things to an extent.

Mi amor💖:

Hey, baby. I'm about to head into a meeting so I'll talk to you later tonight, love you❤️❤️

Love you too gorgeous, stay safe and try enjoying that meeting♥️

Oh ofcourse. It'll be so much fun💀


I turn off my phone and make my way up to scarletts door. To which slams open. "Damn, i didn't even knock." I chuckled. "You're alittle late, lizzie beat you here." She smiles. "Damn, well. Can i come in?" I ask and she pulls me into the house. "She's here!" Scarlett calls put before liz appears from around the corner. "Finally. We ready to finally start?" She asks, sitting on the couch. "I'm good to start, gia are you?" Scarlett asks. "Yep, lets go." I smile sitting in between the two.


"So basically what you're saying is we'll be busy from here on out?" I chuckle and so does Scarlett. "Yes that's exactly what they mean." She agrees and lizzie giggles. "Damn, i gotta spend time with a special someone before we start this." I smile. "Oh?" Lizzie speaks. "Don't start." I say while rolling my eyes. "Well spend as much time you can with him because we gonna be working 24 seven once they call us in." Scar says, grabbing a drink from the kitchen. Him, yeah. "I definitely will try, he's busy too." I chuckle nervously which lizzie catches on to. "Well i better go, don't wanna intrude on any family business when the kiddos get home." I smile and the girls frown. "No, we can go over to miss Olsen's house and have alittle sleepover." Scar chimes. "I'm so up for that." The olsen agrees. "I suppose i have nothing better to do." I shrug grabbing my house and car keys. "I'll follow whoever." I add. They both jump over to the door and dash out the door making me laugh. I follow lizzies car to her house which is a fairly cute size. "Don't you have a husband?" I ask and she shakes her head. "Well, sorta. He's out right now." The lie falls from her lips so easily.

"Oh okay, well i guess we have all night to ourselves." I smirk and they laugh. "Well, i want some of the details in the new relationship." Scar grins making me shake my head. "Lets see if you're that lucky." I laugh and so does lizzie but i earn a glare from scar. "I will be that lucky." She says, i gulp and shake it off. I follow the girls to the living room as scar seems way more comfortable then i do. "Love how gianna is following me around like a loss puppy." Scar laughs and so does lizzie. I shove scars shoulder rolling me eyes before walking around her to sit down beside lizzie. "Alright girls. Time to act like teenagers." Lizzie smirks. "I'm kinda sorta still a teenager. Nineteen." I laugh, and her eyes widen. "Well. You can show us what it's like being a teenager in this generation." Scar shrugs. "I see what you two are trying to do." I laugh. Scar looks down leaning on the door-frame. "Y'all want me, to get drunk. Act a full. Spill my guts to you two. And fuck up a relationship while showing you how this generation works." I smile standing up. "Well. Not exactly but yes." Elizabeth giggles nervously. "Okay. I'll show you what this generation is like. So you know, you older ones can have a bit of fun in the new generation." I tease, making scar glare at me.


I'm dancing around the living room alittle tipsy. "Alright G, come sit and talk." Scar says, patting the coach. I make my way over plopping down on her lap instead.

~Scarlett's Pov~

Fuck. "No love, on the couch." I chuckle, trying to move her off my lap. "Why-" she whines making me quietly laugh at her. "Gia, you have a boyfriend and i have two kids and a husband. Off my lap." I say and she finally gets off my lap. "What if it wasn't a boyfriend." She scoffs. "What else would it be gianna." I ask, as she throws her legs across my lap as she lays her head on lizzies lap. "It could be a girlfriend for all you know." She says sarcastically. Letting the words roll off her tongue like butter. "Okay. You'll be telling us every little detail tomorrow, but for now we need to get you to bed." Elizabeth says as i nod my head in agreement. "No, i don't wanna go to bed.." She whines. I groan, grabbing her legs and Elizabeth grabs her upper body. We some how manage not to give her a concussion on the walls. "No. No. No. I'm fine." She dismissed. "Gianna, you're going to bed." I hush as we quite literally throw her on the bed before our arms give out. Im a mother and Gianna is almost 20.

Goodnight to us.

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