Chapter 24. is that our future?

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1 Month later, Billie is now on tour🥰

~Billie's Pov~

"Baby, im home." I coo, walking into mine and Gianna's shared house. "Mommy!" My daughter and son call running into the living room with gianna not to far behind them with two pairs of pants. "Hi my babies. How was you day?" I smile, bending down to their level. "Mommy made pan'akes." Jayme says excitedly. "Sounds so good. I want some." I chuckle as william pulled at my shirt. "Yes bud?" I smile, william is jaymes twin. "They won't put pants on." Gianna sighs, laying on the couch putting the pants over her eyes. "Oh my god. You're so dramatic, throw them to me." I laugh as she quite literally throws them at my head. "Lay down babies." I instruct and they quickly lay down. I put their pants on and help them up. "I don't like you." She laughs. "I know love." I smile walking over to her. "Kiss please." I request and she pulls me down. "Ew!" The twins call out. We pull away and laugh. "Who's hungry?" I ask picking them both up i chuckle when they get happy.

I jolt up hitting my head on the roof of my bunk making me groan. The curtain flys open and finneas looks at me confused. "What?" I question. "You hit you head really fucking hard on the top of the bunk. Are you okay?" He asks. "Yeah, I'm good. just a very life like dream." I say, laying back down. "Okay if you need anything let me know." I says sweetly. "I always do." I smile, closing the curtains grabbing my phone.


Hey you up?

Yeah, whats up?

Nothing, just wanted to talk to you. I miss you like hell.

I miss you more but you've been gone less then a couple days.

I know, what you doing?

1 attachment*
Watching these to idiots bicker about who gets to say what.

Oh wow. Is it not in the script?

It is but they're arguing over who says the line. Sebastian thinks he says it but Elizabeth thinks she says it.

Damn, I'm so tired but a dream got me fucked up.

Awe baby, what was it about?

It was a good dream. It was about us being able to see eachother again :)

You're so fucking adorable. Even in your dreams you think about me.

I think alot about you.

Stop being so cute. Get some sleep, you'll need it

Okay mama, love you♥️

Love you more♥️♥️

I turn off my phone shoving it into the net. I grab my blanket and curl up in to a ball.

~back to the same dream🤗~

"Baby you have to stay quiet." She coo's pulling my back against her front. "I know.. i know." I whisper leaning back down to bury my head into the pillow. "Mommy.." I hear william say from the doorway making me quietly groan to myself. I roll and so does gia so we stay close. "Yes baby boy?" I coo. "I heard a noise and wanted to come look.." He says. My baby is so caring. "What kind of noise bud." I asked. "A gaspy noise." He says. Waddling closer to the bed. "Oh buddy, mommy just had a little dream it's okay. Do you want me or momma to tuck you back in?" I coo. "Yes please.." He says lowley. I slide my way away from gias fingers and grab my shirt throwing it on before getting out from under the covers. "Lets go bud." I coo. Taking him back to his bed.


I wake up and look around. What the actual fuck? I slide out of my bunk almost giving my self a concussion. I walk into the living space of the tour bus and see everyones already awake. "Goodmorning sleeping beauty." Fin jokes making me shake my head. "Bite me. I stayed up alittle late talking to gia." I chuckle, sitting next to him and maggie. "Gia?" Maggie tilts her head at me. "Oh yeah, mom. Gianna is my uh, very very close friend." I smile. I look over to finneas and shrug. I wasn't ready to tell her yet, he only found out because he walked in on me on her lap which i don't regret. "Oh lovely. I'd love to meet her." She smiles. "Well i asked her if she'd like to meet you guys and she said after tour she'd love to." I smiled. "Great I'll be looking forward to it." She smiles getting up to get something for the kitchen. "You ready for the show in a couple days?" Fin ask. "So ready. I've missed this." I smile, grabbing my phone from my pocket.


Hi my love.

I turn my phone off knowing she's probably asleep or on set.


"It was so cute. It's still two days from the first show and they're already camping out." I coo at gia who's currently on face time. And might i say. Her suit for the show is so fucking hot. "That's just adorable, i bet they were happy to see you." She smiles walking out of her trailer before walking inside. "Hey G, you almost ready? You got like ten minutes left to breathe." Someone says. "Yeah scar, just talking to billie." She smiles looking down at her phone and so does scarlett. "Hi billie. Just be ready, you're gonna go flying." She smirks before walking away. "Sounds fun." I giggle before adjusting in my bunk. "Oh it's always so much fun unless i fall flat on my face." She chuckles sitting down getting a drink. "Ouch." I smile when she look at the phone. "You're adorable but I'm gonna go ahead and let you get some sleep." She smiles picking up her phone. "Mmm okay, be safe. Love you." I smile. "Love you too baby." She says and i end the call, we haven't said 'I love you' yet. It's just been 'love you' but that's fine i just need to go to bed like she said.

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